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Posts posted by umair.hl

  1. Hi hozawa

    I'm hesitant to use other components because our system has been built to accomodate users editing HTML, and that HTML is then fed through to the HTML element while creating PDFs. Obviously this is failing at large scale - when we have multiple threads creating PDFs.

    Do you know what the causes are behind why the htmlcomponent doesn't work? Any pointers if we wanted to fix it or build our own htmlcomponent? Other alternatives?


  2. The html component seems to falter when multiple threads are generating PDFs with html content in them. There are random formatting errors which creep in - these are things like some text will be much larger than the rest, or boldened, or smaller, etc. Is this a known issue? Any workarounds?

    I've tried to use the Text Field and set the markup to HTML, and that gets rid of these issues HOWEVER it limits how much styling can be applied. Simple things like tables for example can't be used.

    Suggestions welcome.

  3. We have built a multi-threaded Java application that is using Jasper templates to build PDFs. For the most part, it works fine, but we are presented with a problem when we try to include HTML in the PDF, in a multi-threaded setup. 

    Problem description

    Java application started ->

    1) Load in Fonts, Resources, etc

    2) Spawn a set of threads determined by application parameters

            -> Thread N

                 1) Fetch data from 3rd party systems

                 2) Fetch HTML data from the database

                 3) Construct an XML using this data, to be used as the data source

                 4) Pass the XML to the .jasper template file and create a PDF report using all of the above. Exact method call in java: JasperFillManager.fillReport("template.jasper", parameters);

    The problem we have noticed, is that once every 100 or so reports, there are random formatting changes introduced in the HTML that weren't there in the core HTML. For instance, a small subsection of the text will be rendered as bold, or some text will be of a larger font size, or the left column of a table will overlap the right column. Etc. This only happens within the HTML objects on the templates, the Jasper objects are able to take text inputs provided to it and render correctly each time. And as far as we know, it only occurs when we are running more than one thread - with the increase in the number of threads resulting in a higher probability of a formatting error being included in the pdf. It is however random. It's also worth noting that we are using the HTML component that's bundled with Jasper.

    Solution tried

    One of the first things we tried was to check if there is a problem with XML creation, and thus compared the XMLs of problem and non-problem reports and they were the same. So it would appear this problem is happening at the time of report creation using Jasper jars. Which points to a potential problem within the Jasper library itself? Or perhaps we aren't setting some configuration settings properly? 

    Jars used by the application to build these reports:








    Any help, pointers, suggestions will be greatly appreciated. We have tried everything we could before reaching out to the Jasper community and nothing has worked so far. 

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