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Posts posted by ocarrier

  1. I have made some modifications to the main report file of my working report (with 6 subreports in separate jrxml files) and apparently Jaspersoft 6.4.2 has a bug for saving and publishing main report to the server... now when previewing the report within JasperStudio it is working fine but when launching the report from CA PPM I get an error filling report... I read on the Jaspersoft Communities that I need to access to the logs in order to find out more details... unfortunately I am developing with a SaaS environment I cannot access the server directly in order to access the server logs... How should I proceed to have a look to the logs?   Or is there any workaround to save and publish the main report?


    many thanks in advance,


  2. Hello,

    after modifying my SQL Query inside the query dialog I, all of a sudden, got this error message when previewing my report:

    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.math.BigDecimal cannot be cast to java.lang.String

    Here is the query: (very simple one!)

    select top 200001 "ProjectType"."ProjectType" as "ProjectType",

    "hours_costs"."period_type" as "period_type"

    from blablabla

    where "INVESTMENTS"."OBJECT_CODE" = 'project' and "mapping_v"."level3" like 'R&D%%' and "mapping_v"."type_id" = 'depts'

    and "hours_costs"."period_type" like '%Actual Year%' <------ Removing this line allow the report to run!!!! why?!?!? is this a bug??? group by "ProjectType"."ProjectType" order by "ProjectType"."ProjectType"


    Is there a known bug and/or workaround for this??? Thanks in advance for any help :)

  3. Hello,

    I have created a simple pie chart based on a domain where I selected only 2 fields. Why is the Chart Format greyed out when click the Settings Icon? Apparently with other types of chart it seems to work... I want to show the label/measure on the pie. Right now I can only see them when mouseover...




  4. Thanks Elizam.  I have read this same tutorial before :) after spending quite a few hours I have found a way to show only 1 measure adding it in "Columns" and then in the "Rows" adding Project Names (outer circle) and then Department (inner circle) before Project Names.

    My question now would be can add more than 1 measure? Nb hours, Total Labor Cost, Total Expense Cost, etc...

    (see my detailed post with sketch: https://communities.ca.com/message/241933457)

    Would it help to develop this report in Jaspersoft Studio?

  5. hello,

    I am a beginner at using Jaspersoft pie charts and I was asked to generate an Ad-Hoc dual-level pie chart... could someone me a tutorial or some material for it?

    basically the information I need to show is as follows:

    - Domain: I firstly selected a pre defined Domain on my Projects Data (project info within the company) and selected 2 fields (department and project names) and 2 measures (nb hours and total cost)

    - Inner Circle: Department (for example: HR, Finance, IT, etc)

    - Outer Circle: Project Names (for example: New Website, Maintenance, Support, etc)

    - Measures: Nb hours worked and Total Cost


    How could I arrange the data so that it works? I do not know where to drag and drop my data using the Ad Hoc interface... I tried to drag Department and Project Names into "Rows" and Measures into "Columns" but I keep getting error messages or it simply does not show any data or empty chart :(((


    Many thanks in advance

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