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Posts posted by jonmcano

  1. Is the REST endpoint static (url and parameters don't change)?  Are you using Jaspersoft Version 7.9.0?  If using 7.9 could be possible to use ehcache, but this would really only work if URL request is same and realize the cache is static for some period of time so subsequent calls would interact with same data since it is cached.

  2. example written in bash to copy sample report to the "temp" directory:

    copy_resp=$(curl -k -X POST "http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/temp?j_username=superuser&j_password=superuser" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Location: /public/Samples/Reports/01._Geographic_Results_by_Segment_Report")
    if [[ $upload_resp == *"errorCode"* ]]; then
        echo "Copy failed"
       copy_uri=$(echo ${copy_resp} | jq -r '.uri')
       echo "Copied report to: "$copy_uri

  3. Don't mess with the descriptor.  Just upload the new JRXML file using the resources API to the files directory:

        /public/Samples/Reports/<some report uri>_files/

    Or upload your JRXML files separately then reference them in your report descriptors instead of storing local.  This way you can simply replace the referenced JRXML file.

  4. Studio works without the need of server and should work with latest postgres as long as you have the JDBC drivers referenced.


    You should be able to open the JRXML files directly in studio.  Some older JRXML files may reference XML tags that are no longer valid (i.e. PDF fonts), remove those tags and it should work


  5. Studio works without the need of server and should work with latest postgres as long as you have the JDBC drivers referenced.

    You should be able to open the JRXML files directly in studio.  Some older JRXML files may reference XML tags that are no longer valid (i.e. PDF fonts), remove those tags and it should work.

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