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Posts posted by hippl642

  1. Exactly what the title says. I want to create a variable that will increment every page until it equal an integer value then the group will reset and move to the next line number. I may be going at this the wrong way, I'm pretty new at this and I've tried so many things and can't figure this out please someone help.

  2. Hi,

    I'm new when it comes to creating reports, I'm trying to create a shipping label for Fishbowl and I'm having an issue. I want the shipping label to count from 1 up the $F(SHIPITEM_QTYSHIPPED) and I want it to stay on the same line item until the variable has exceeded the quantity. Once it exceeds the quantity it will jump to the next line and the variable will restart at 1. Right now what I have is a variable that will count up $F(SHIPITEM_QTYSHIPPED) but it does not stay on the same line, it goes to the next line every page and incriments the variable each time.

    Thanks for any help

  3. I'm really new to this program and can't seem to figure this one part out. I have field $F{QTY_SHIPPED} and I want to generate as many pages as the number of this field. For example I have a text field on the report that says Box X of $F{QTY_SHIPPED} and I want X to count from 1 up to that field and generate a new page with each increment. Also this needs to work for multiple lines of the shipment. For exmple line 12 = 6 shipped, line 13 = 8 shipped. This part currently works and generates a page for each line and the qty shipped, but only one page. What i'm trying to get is for example line 12 generates 6 pages, line 13 generates 8 pages. I've tried a lot of different setups with variables and groups but I cannot figure this out and I'm sure its something pretty simple.



  4. I have variable boxCOUNT and I need it to increment by 1 until it reaches $F{SHIPITEM_QTYSHIPPED} and generate a new page for each increment. I'm using distinct count as the $F{SHIPITEM_QTYSHIPPED}  field can reset multiple times per report. I'm brand new to Ireport and ca't figure this out, any help would be great.

  5. I'm brand new to using Ireport as it integrates with our inventory software and our customer is requiring a unique shipping label. The only problem I cant figure out is how to print multiple labels when the report is run. I need to fill out the "Box X of Y" and I figured I can simply use X as the page number. However I can't figure out how to get the report to generate Y amount of labels. Like I said I'm brand new to this and can't figure out how to get there at all. Any help would be appreciated.

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