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gone away

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Posts posted by gone away

  1. at the point of quitting this product..... SIMPLY DOES NOT FUNCTION......

    what is the jaspersoft "Report Viewer" for ?

    when I Run a report any report it gives me a blank page

    AND the "back" link does not work


    the example reports display nothing ....WHY?

     "Report Viewer" not working....displays NOTHING? WHY?

     "Report Viewer" not working....displays NOTHING? WHY?

     "Report Viewer" not working....displays NOTHING? WHY? BUG BUG MAJOR BUG !

  2. what is the jaspersoft "Report Viewer" for ?

    when I Run a report any report it gives me a blank page AND the back link does not work either. This does nothing.. WHY?

    AND how do I add an image in this forum... Image lets me Broswer server then access denied, how can I pick a local file???



  3. So the screenshots and functionallity that JasperSoft are selling is no longger available, so this is MIS selling right ?

    >>I don't think Special Content exists in JasperReports Server 6.2. It used to exist in earlier version of JasperReports Server but >>jaspersoft completely redesigned the dashboard and some earlier features no longer exists.


  4. Saw this message in the on line docs

    please could someone provide a link to a list of Jaspersoft products with details of what features are available in each version paid, unpaid, exterprise, communtity, amazon etc,  full list please.....

    So far I cant see Special Content, I cant see how to allow users to view a ad hoc report in display mode

    and when I save these as reports I lose the functionally of the cross tabs expansion of details and the filter options are naf compared to the ad hoc view display.

    and I dont get the option to display detailed, totals, or both details and totals for my tables.

    this does not help before someone tries: https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions

    No mention of "Special Content".,.....

    ????  link to what is available here would be useful (read critical)

    This section describes functionality that can be restricted by the software license for JasperReports Server. If you don’t see some of the options described in this section, your license may prohibit you from using them. To find out what you're licensed to use, or to upgrade your license, contact Jaspersoft.

  5. Hozawa

    Dont think thisis the same issue im using TOS DI 6.4

    My issue is the English, "do I want to cover it" ? what does this mean ?

    My other examples are more English errors, now im guessing that the programmers of TOS were not native English speaking but Talend is a product for the International market and they cant be bothered to get the English correct. Even worse when a message like this is critical to my progress.


  6. What do I cover this with ? butter, blanket, oil


    Along with Retrieve schema, instead of Retrieving schema?

    and Database Connection is Failed when it should be database connection has failed

    What happens when my company really needs 100% for this to work? where is the trust?


  7. JaspersoftETL / ETL, please correct me if i'm wrong here, doesn't come with a MS SQL server connection installed, well not a working one. so download a JDBC driver from MS web page: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/microsoft-jdbc-driver-for-sql-server Recommended to install as a sub-dir of the Program Files folder.

    Open Talend and show the "Modules" view, hidden by default ! nice ,one of the icons says, Import external jars, click that and navigate to the .jar file. Rename the file to what Talend expects i.e. mssql-jdbc.jar add new connection selecting db type = Microsoft Sql server and db version = Microsoft (this is in Talend Open Studio Data Integration 6.4..... ) In JaspersoftETL the db version seems to be missing....

    As a noobie, just to get a SQL data connection, this is Ridiculous, much easier in Haskell,R or anything else. And I still cant quite accept a your use of the term "URL" being synonymous with "connection string" for a JDBC connection. Will apologize if this offends and if *you* post the link to the document that officially explains how this works? I wont hold my breath.

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