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Posts posted by michael.buono

  1. We have a HR employee domain pointing to a data source of about 80,000 accounts/records.  We created an Ad-Hoc view which includes the unique Employee ID (integer).  When we right-click on the Employee ID column and select "Create filter", it does do anything: it doesn't create the filter, no error message, no nothing.

    The intent was to use a single value filter to search by the Employee ID to display that one row of data (a bit like an employee search).

  2. Server Install Documentation for v5.2 (1.2 Java Version Supported) states:

    JasperReports Server supports Java 1.6 and 1.7. Versions earlier than Java 1.6 are not supported.

    Does this include ALL updates of 1.6 and 1.7, past/present/future? Keeping Java current help address security vulnerabilities, but want to avoid upgrading to an unsupported or untested release...

  3. What restrictions or best-practices should be adhered to when constructing a custom Domain?  In other words: "How big is too big"?  As long as it is manageable by a human, how much can the system handle? 

    Questions I've considered:

    • Number of joins?
    • Number of Tables or Derived Tables?
    • Number of Sets and Displayed Fields?
    • Datasource type / technology limitations?
    • Computer specification or powere needed?  (client- or server-side)
    • When will Views and Reports become unusable or unstable?
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