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Posts posted by TheMatthew

  1. When developing a report, I have a header that needs to be right aligned.  In designer, preview, and PDF, it works perfect.  However, once it is in the repo (in Clarity for my case), the right align seems to not work.  The weird thing is, if I hit the PDF version from clarity, the alignment is fine.

    In Clarity:


    In PDF:


    you can see how the right align works perfectly in the PDF, but not in clarity.

    I am using Jaspersoft Studio Professional 5.6.1 final



  2. I have an input control that will need to be populated by a query. When I wrote the code in My SQL Server, it works perfectly as planned. However, when I put it in the the input control, the drop down is blank. Are cases not allowed in the input control queries? Is there a work around?

    here is the seemingly simple sql code:


    SELECT a.PRSTART as date,
    case when(a.prstart <= getdate() - 7 and a.prfinish - 1 >= getdate() - 7) then 'Previous Period'
    when (a.prstart <= getdate() + 7 and a.prfinish - 1 >= getdate() + 7) then 'Next Period'
    else 'Current Period' end as period
    (a.prstart <= getdate() and a.prfinish - 1 >= getdate())
    (a.prstart <= getdate() - 7 and a.prfinish - 1 >= getdate() - 7)
    (a.prstart <= getdate() + 7 and a.prfinish - 1 >= getdate() + 7)[/code]

    as you can see, I need to return "Previous", "next", or "current time period" dynamically along with the date calculated. for the input control, previous, next, and current would be the visible field, while the date would be used as the value column.


  3. One of the reports that I have prepared is quite extensive, and takes a little bit more time than my other reports to run if you only use one parameter.  When still in the iReport, using one parameter, it does run after some time.  Once I publish it though, after attempting to run for about 3 minutes or so, I get

    Socket Closed[/code]

    I'm assuming that it is taking too long and it is timing out.  I've cleaned up the code to make sure only the necessities are there, and I cannot change the report.

    Below is the error:


    Any ideas?

  4. In my case, i have one variable that is $V{TotalHours} -- these are the hours in which can be used.  Each instance in the report has its own field $F{Hours}.  I will need to somehow continuously subtract from $V{TotalHours}.


    For example:

    Total Hours = 100

    the first record will be 100 - hours

    the second record will be ^that new number - hours

    the third record will be ^that new number - hours


    kind of confusing.. Any ideas?

  5. this might be a stupid question... But I notice there are eclipses and sqares, is there anyway to do a triagle? Something that im missing maybe?  I need them to indicate increases and decreases visually on a report... if not, I guess the best bet would be to use triangle images and use the expression field on when to display it.  Any ideas??


    thanks in advance!

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