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Posts posted by nitingaur20992

  1. I'm generating a jasper report in pdf with oriya language from my jsp page, it is working fine when i export it from jasper studio IDE but when i inoke .jasper file from my jsp application the oriya fonts are not displaying neither it throwing any error.

    I sucessfully installed fonts from Font Extension and included font.jar in JVM library.

    Please suggest any possible steps im skipping during this pdf generation, as per from my knowledge the fonts are embeedded with in pdf when internally exported but its not embedded when exportinf from JRPdfExporter.

    Below is screenshot for IDE export and JSP export./sites/default/files/images/jspExport_Oriya(1).jpg/sites/default/files/images/JasperExport_Oriya.jpg



  2. I have created a Identity card size report in jasper and now what is want is to display 10 ID card(report) on a sigle page. this is to ensure that a A4 size should print 10 ID cards per one A4 sheet.


    If there is any way to do this or i have to use some trict for that.

  3. hello

    I have a parent report which is having unique ID i.e; $F{ID} & a child report which displays addresses of the corresponding $F{ID} and a grandchild report which is a part of child report, which displays name and cotact details of the corresponding $F{ID}, 

    grandchild report takes parameter from child report, child report takes parameter from parent report, the common paameter is $F{thid}

    the child report and grandchild report are working fine when run individually but when I run the parent report then only child report displays data and grandchild report shows cloumn header with null vales.

    hope you understood the whole schema.

    I think there is some mistake in subreport parameter.


    suggest me where I am going wrong..??

    Thankyou for reading this post


  4. Thanks a ton to everyone posting here,


    Actually I'm new to jasperReports and I tasked to create a drill down. I hope this is the right approach to accomplish drill down reports, Correct me If I'm wrong and guide me how to create drill down reports!! I just need expand and collapse feature inside that, nothing else

    Thnaks in advance


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