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Posts posted by A3an

  1. Hi jamshaidiqbal120

    I had to figure this out like a month ago and this took me days to set up correctly....
    You need 2 data adapters. The first one is the POST request to get the token, the second one is the GET request where you have to put the token as http header.
    So once you've set up this correctly, you wil be able to use the token in the GET request. I assume this token is only valid for about 15 minutes.

    The POST request:
    Content-Type is very important to add because certain API applications return no result if this is missing.


    If this works well and you can show the access token on your report we can proceed with the GET Request.
    The URL Parameters speaks for themselfs. The http headers here below:

    I don't know the kind of token you have to use but mine was a bearer token.
    You can also use Postman to simulate this. Hopefully you will get a result. (POST and GET)

    Now comes the tricky part...
    The problem with Bearer token is that you only get a token without Bearer in front of it. So you must add "Bearer "+ token as parameter => Note the whitespace in "Bearer "
    So you create a parameter. Give it a name: token and the value is the token you get from the POST Request.

    To use the second data adapter to make the GET call, I've used a list element. This list element is the datasource of the GET request.
    I had tried a sub-report but no luck.

    I can provide you a working example but the report is on another laptop I don't have with me right now.

    Let me know if you've got it to work.

    Greets A3an

  2. Dear Swejas

    First you make a parameter and you name it for example Image.
    The default value expression is the linkt to the Image between quotes like "https://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/jaspersoft/files/styles/banner_large/public/2020-05/main-bg.jpg"
    Then you insert the image element to you report. The expression of this Image holder is your parameter Image: $P{Image}


  3. Hi guys

    I want to compare variables against query results. Lets say my query result 'seat_code' outputs A3, A4 as taken seats
    so A1 and A2 are still free. (not in query result) I want to use conditional formating to set the background color of seat A3 and A4 to red.
    The free seats have a white background color.
    Think about an airplane floor plan seats availability. It is important to show more then 1 seat per row. Like first row on an airplane | A1 | A2 | 'isle' | A3 | A4 |
    Conditional formating is executed when true. So if V{A3}==$F{seat_code} => Background color returns red.

    Please advice how to fix this.

    Greets A3an.

    Hi all

    I think I was not clear enough to what I want achieve.
    Understanding conditional formatting is not the problem.
    My query result gives me only the seats that are taken and I want to visualize them in red. The other (free) seats are for example green.
    The thing is that I don't know how to compare the result set against every seat. Like: IF $V in result set is true apply conditional formatting.
    I now the in_array() function in PHP but how to do this in Jaspersoft? Don't now much about Java....

    I cannot put the seats in detail band because my result set will mulitply this by the number of rows of the result set. 
    So what's the best solution to visualize seats? Should I use a textfield, table or maybe an image? I think a textfield will have the shortest executoin time.
    I don't want to use a table because the seats are not always aligned this way.

    Greets A3an

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