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Posts posted by jason.symons

  1. Hi,

    I am having a problem with adding multiple input controls to a dashboard. The first input control works fine, but the second or any subsequent controls do not show up in the dashboard view.  All controls show in the dashboard desginer and in the preview, however when I view the dashboard only the first is showing.  Also, the dashboard then requries me to click 'Apply' before it will load any of the dashlets (with one input control it runs without promting). 

    I have tried various different types of input control (single/multi select etc), plus dashlets from adhoc views, reports based on ad-hoc views and reports designed in Jaspersoft Studio.  All have the same problem.  The input controls appear in the parameter mapping menu as expected but only the first input control is displayed in the finished dashboard.

    I am adding the input controls from the 'Filter' panel on the left hand side, dragging them from within the relevent dashlet 'folder' to the dashboard canvas.

    When I add a second dashlet and add some input controls for that dashlet, again the first one shows up, but not subsequent ones.  So, I get only the first control from each dashlet.

    Am I missing something? is there a bug here? Or some setting or feature I am missing?

    I am using Jasper Server 6.3.0, commercial/professional.

  2. Hi, Not sure about dashboards and hidden parameters, but I was struggling pass a parameter into a report I had developed from an Ad Hoc view. I had a filter which I set up in the AdHoc view which I created the report from. This is the solution I found:


    - export the report (right click>export).


    - find the file: TopicJRXML in the zip file which downloads.


    - find the parameter name of the relevant filter. Its in the first few lines of the code. In my case the field displayed as 'record_id'......the parameter name was actually 'record_id4_1'


    - append the parameter to your URL using the name you found in the Topic file as follows (using my example): ......&record_id4_1=CRM-0000003


    That worked for me. I haven't tried anything more complex like multi-selects or ranges, but I think it should work as per the guidance. Its just about finding the correct parameter name. Unfortunately it doesn't tell you when you have the URL wrong, just defaults to the saved version of the report, which I suppose is useful in some ways but not that helpful when trying to get this right.


    Hope that helps, might point you in the right direction!






  3. HI,  I was struggling with this and think I have found the answer. I had a filter which I set up in the AdHoc view which I created the report from.  I want to pass the parameter for that filter into the report using a URL.  This is the solution I found:

     - export the report (right click>export). 

     -  find the file: TopicJRXML in the zip file which downloads.

     - find the parameter name of the relevant filter. Its in the first few lines of the code.  In my case the field dispalyed as 'record_id'......the paramter name was actually 'record_id4_1'

     - append the parameter to your URL using the name you found in the Topic file as follows (using my example): ......&record_id4_1=CRM-0000003

    That worked for me.  I haven't tried anything more complex like multi-selects or ranges, but I think it should work as per the guidance. Its just about finding the correct parameter name.  Unfortunately it doesn't tell you when you have the URL wrong, just defaults to the saved version of the report, which I suppose is useful in some ways but not that helpful when trying to get this right.

    Good luck, let me know if you find any other useful tricks here as I am trying to get this to work too!



  4. Hi All,

    I am having trouble connecting Jaspersoft studio to a MySQL database using JNDI, can anyone help?

    I am running JasperReports server, and the datasource has been created in the repository. I can connect Studio to Server to publish reports, use domains etc. but I would like to be able to query the database directly. Reports will be published on the server.

    So, I have been trying to create a JNDI data adapter to connect to the source wihtin the server reposotiory. Is this possible? Is it the right thing to do?

    I have tried the JNDI name of "repo:/organizations/organization_1/Data_sources/[mySQLdatabasename]", but I get the following error:

    java.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial

    Where am i going wrong? Any help greatly appreciated!

    Thanks Jason

  5. Yep, i guess it could be that only remote xml is allowed. I just thought that the documtation i mentioned above seemed to imply that a repository xml would work in the same way as a JSON. For example, this quote:

    "In the Type field, select a file data source that you enabled, for example JSON Data Source or XML Data Source. In this example, we create a JSON data source."


    So maybe its not possible, but would appreciate any knowledge anyone has.




  6. Hi All,

    I have been trying to use an XML file in the repository as a datasource for a domain without success. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong, please!

    I have been looking at this: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v610/file-data-sources and this:

    The examples in the links are JSON but as far as I can tell I should be able to do it with an XML file too. I have also successfully got a remote XML working as a datasource, but when I try to place to file in the repository it won't work.

    These are the steps I am following:

    1. I upload an xml file to the repository (Add resource>file>xml) as 'note' (I was using this as an example: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml)

    2. Create a new datasource (Add resource>Data Source) called NoteDS

    3. Choose Remote XML Data Source under type (this is the only XML type available - should there be another one?)

    4. In the file URL as follows: repo:/organizations/organization_1/Data_Sources/note

    5. Query: /note

    6. Create domain with Note DS as Data Source

    At this point I get an error: Failed to parse the xml document.  As mentioned the exact same query works with the datasource on the web, just not when I load it into the reposotory.

    Should this work? What am I missing?

    Thanks in advance


  7. Hi

    Just following up on where I got to on this one.  I haven't quite got it all working as I would like yet, but have made some progress. In the end I found that I needed to use a reference table of dates in the datasoruce to achieve what I was looking for.  I was hoping to avoid using a table like that but in the end that was the best way. 

    I'll post an update when I have a final working version of the report.

  8. Wow, thanks for this Reportddev! and thanks for the quick response.  I tried the jrxml above - it does work!  However, I think its going to struggle with the full range data I'm working with.  Projects could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to several years, so I would have to add an lots and lots of conditionals to the variables.  Sorry, the data I put in my original post was a really simplified example - I should have been more specific.

    Is there any way to get the variable to iterate through all the possibilites from startdate up to enddate rather than go through a specific set of conditions?

    Hopefully that makes sense - apoligies - I'm fairly new to this!  It really feels like it must be a fairly common requirement - but perhaps its hard to execute.






  9. Hi All,

    I am trying to build a report which I think should be a pretty common requirement, but I can't quite work out how to achieve it. What I want is a count of active projects by month, where projects have a start and end date. So, my data is like this:


    And the result I would like is this:

    MonthNumber of Active Projects

    Note that it is counting projects that are active in that month i.e. between their start and end dates, not a count of the start dates or end dates within a particular month. Also note that there were no projects active in May but I still want to show May (I think the report would be confusing otherwise).

    I am using JasperStudio 6.3.0, publishing to JasperReports Server 6.3.0. The data source is JasperReports server domain. Would be grateful for any thoughts on how to achieve it.

    Thanks very much!


  10. Hi all,

    I am using the table component and am wondering if there is a way to show/hide group headers based on a parameter? I would like users to be able to choose from a yes/no input control for 'Show Subheading' and the table to include or not the group header row. Effectively I need a 'print when' expression on the group header row but it seems like this is not available, so is there a way I can achieve this?

    I have managed to get the fields themselves in the header to show/hide using 'print when' on the fields. However, the row itself still shows. I have tried selecting 'Remove lines when blank' and 'blank when NULL' on the fields but this doesn’t have any effect.

    I have also managed to achieve this in a report (not using the table component) using the 'print when expression' on the header band. However, I would users to be able to use the table component features such as changing/sorting/filtering columns etc.

    Any suggestions gratefully received.

    Thanks Jason

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