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Rodrigo Gregorio de las He

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Posts posted by Rodrigo Gregorio de las He

  1. Hi Team, I have a installation in REDHAT 7 with Jaspersoft 6.4.2 and I am gettiung this error:



    * Owasp.CsrfGuard Properties 

    * Logger: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.JSCsrfLogger 

    * NewTokenLandingPage: null 


    * SessionKey: OWASP_CSRFTOKEN 

    * TokenLength: 32 

    * TokenName: OWASP_CSRFTOKEN 

    * Ajax: true 

    * Rotate: false 

    * Javascript cache control: null 

    * Javascript domain strict: false 

    * Javascript inject attributes: false 

    * Javascript inject forms: false 

    * Javascript referer pattern: null 

    * Javascript referer match domain: false 

    * Javascript source file: null 

    * Javascript X requested with: null 

    * Protected methods: HashSet size: 3: [0]: DELETE 

    [1]: POST 

    [2]: PUT 


    * Protected pages size: 0 

    * Unprotected methods: Empty HashSet 

    * Unprotected pages size: 0 

    * TokenPerPage: false 

    * Enabled: true 

    * ValidateWhenNoSessionExists: false 

    * Action: org.owasp.csrfguard.action.Log 

    * Parameter: Message = potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted (user:%user%, ip:%remote_ip%, method:%request_method%, uri:%request_uri%, error:%exception_message%) 

    * Action: org.owasp.csrfguard.action.Redirect 

    * Parameter: Page = /reportservice/login.html 

    * Action: org.owasp.csrfguard.action.Rotate 


    how can I get this error to stop? I really appreciate the help




  2. I am getting this error " Exception getting dataset from cache" when in the Jaspersoft and trying to run a report under the Jaspersoft log file:
    2017-07-05 16:39:19,529 ERROR JaaSProxyAuthenticationFilter,http-apr-8080-exec-4:36 [MINTIC|jasperuser] - JaaSProxyAuthenticationFilter.doFilter() : Error while authenticating the User - jasperuser
    org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Bad credentials
    Could same one give me?
    Thank you
    Exception getting dataset from cache


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