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Posts posted by cheapwebhoster

  1. I am not sure this is possible ...can anyone tell me how to call external javascript into the jasper studio report. These are the javascript web-location i would like to call but not sure if it can be done

    <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/js/highcharts.js"></script>
    <script src="http://blacklabel.github.io/grouped_categories/grouped-categories.js?sss=ffff"></script>

    <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highcharts/3.0.10/adapters/standalone-framework.js"></script>
    <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
    <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>

  2. By the way a I am aware that we can assigned the color specifically for each data...but the data is just too many to assign all colors...and i am not sure what color would be suitable for the many thousands. Therefore dynamically follow a color from a single chart is the best solution for me.

  3. I have 4 created chart using 4 different dataset in one report in Jasperstudio - Now that i have encountered problem where the charts having different/inconsistent set of colors of the column charts although the Color pallete set are the same for all charts. I believe this is because it follows the sequence in the colors pallete...so when one data is not present in one of the chart it follows the color sequence. For example

    Chart 1: Data 1, Data 2, Data 3

    Chart 2: Data 1, Data 3

    Chart 3: Data 3

    Color pallete sequence = Green, Blue Red


    Chart 1: Data 1 = Green, Data 2 = Blue, Data 3 = Red

    Chart 2: Data 1 = Green, Data 3 = Blue <---- i want this to be Red as well

    Chart 3: Data 3 = Green <--- i want this to be Red

    To solve this problem i am thinking if it is possible to parse the color set from one chart to another. For example Chart 1 is the main chart and pass its color to the rest of the chart...Therefore when the same data exist in other chart it follows the color in the Chart 1. Please advise!

  4. I would like to make multiple chart on jasperstudio and the number of charts appears based on the input control item selection. For example using HTML5 chart (column grah) with the input control of the following condition

    1. In input control value there is A, B, C
    2. If A is selected in the input control filter then the report show bar graph base on A
    3. If A and B is selected then two bar graph appear and it belong to A and B respectively
    4. Likewise if A, B, C is selected then 3 bar graph is showing and it belong to A, B, C selected data respectively

    Please advise how it can be done...i have running out of idea how to do it


  5. I have concatenate the MonthNumber and MonthName like so Concatenate("MonthNumber", '-', "MonthName"). This will do the trick as you can see below the month arrange correctly because the monthnumber is helping...but i dont want the month number to show. You can see 11-November, 12-December which is sucks


  6. By the way i've found there is monthnumber field which can sort this out however it is in the form of numbers like 1,2,3,4,5..... how can i use this as the sorting order for the month name without putting it together into the table ....i am trying to create a measure in the ireport designer as below but no success

    monthname("Day Date") order by MonthNumber("Day Date") <---------- the order by statement seems to be invalid any can tell me what is the statement for that?


  7. By the way when using this measures it won't work

    Create measures: MonthName("Day Date") then use MonthName measure to create another measures Quarter 1 where IF(Contains("MonthName", 'January', 'February', 'March'), 'Quarter 1')

    This will work if but it only contains 1 value of the month not quarterly that i wanted

    IF(Contains("MonthName", 'January'), 'Quarter 1')





  8. Hi,

    I am new to jaspersoft report designer and sorry if this question has been asked before anyway it seem i couldn't really find the exact and structured answer to my problem. So the question is in the jaspersoft ireport designer (web version) how can i create a table or crosstab to show data group by Quarterly. Relative to the date time of the system like picture below


    If possible also can we make it Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Semi, or Yearly. Your answers is much appreciated. Thank you in advance

  9. Is it possible to create interpolation or extrapolation graph in jasper report designer? If possible please advise the following

    1. How can i do it?
    2. Is it possible to make the predicted line (extrapolation/interpolation) to be in different format of line graph. For example the true data is presented by the solid blackline and the extrapolated line is dotted line
    3. basically its a forecast graph

    See example


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