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Posts posted by mailtojustine

  1. Border is missing when exporting into PPT. I'm using Frame and Text Fields in Sub report. The issue is happenomg when a row content is extending to next page. But borders are coming corretcly when report is running from Application. Only problem is when exporting to PPT. Can anyone help me on this.




  2. Hi,

    I have developed a Jasper report using cross tab. Report is running fine and data is showing correctly. But when I am scrolling towards right to see the data upto December, the headers are disppraering. I am facing the issue in both IE and firefox. Can anyone please help me? Below are the screen shots of report before and after scrolling.





  3. Hi All,

    I have developed a Pie Chart Jaspersoft. Everything is good except the tool tip. When hovering through each color area, it is showing like this, Low High : 3, Medium High : 5, High High : 2.

    But actually it shpuld be like this, Low Count : 3, Medium Count : 5, High Count : 2. ie "High" should be replaced with "Count". I didn't do any custom code for tool tip and couldn't find any option for that. I don't know how "High" is came in every tooltip because no where it is predifined in my report. How can I get the correct tool tips?



  4. Hi,

    I need to implement specific color for each values in a Pie chart as, High=Red, Medium=Yellow, Low=Green. I tried with this code, but it is not working.

    <dataAxis axis="Rows">
                                    <axisLevel name="Level1">
                                        <labelExpression><![CDATA["Level Label expression"]]></labelExpression>
                                        <axisLevelBucket class="java.lang.Comparable">
                                            <bucketProperty name="color"><![CDATA[$F{priority} == "High" ? "#CC0022" : $F{priority} == "Medium" ? "#FFBB44" : $F{priority} == "Low" ? "#559911" : "#E8EBF2"]]></bucketProperty>

    Can anyone please help me?


  5. Thanks. Report is running in that case. But I am not getting the desired report output. Each time all the array list is passing to subreport. It is wrong.

    Means, Suppose I am passing 2 Projects P1 and P2 as parameters from main report, the result now I am getting is,

    1st page

    Main report data P1, Sub report data P1, Sub report data P2

    2nd page

    Main report Data P2, Sub report data P1, Sub report data P2

    But, the desired result should be like this,

    1st page

    Main report data P1, Sub report data P1

    2nd page

    Main report Data P2, Sub report data P2.


    Any idea for getting this result?


  6. I have a main report from which parameter ProjectID is multi select. The main report is working fine. But after adding the subreport I am getting an error

    "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal"

    In Main Report

    Query part :  where $X{IN, i.id, ProjectID}

    Parameter Name : ProjectID, Class : java.util.Collection, Nested Type : java.math.BigDecimal

    In Subreport

    Query part :  where i.id=$P{ProjectID}

    Parameter name : ProjectID, Class : java.math.BigDecimal

    Can anyone please help me to resolve this problem?




  7. I am using MS SQL query to generate Jasper Report. I need to use a multi select parameter for selecting projects. I have a query already for fetching projects and I have created an input control using that querBt when I reied to run the report it is showing the error as "Parameter type not supported in query : ProjectID class java.util.Collection". ProjectID is my parameter. Initially it was of integer type and everything was working fine. Now in order to provide multi select parameter I used collection type and changed the query part.

    The where condition in query is like this : AND    $X{IN, i.id, ProjectID}. Can anyone help me to resolve this problem?

  8. When I use AND    $X{IN, i.id, ProjectID} in my MS SQL query part it showing the same error Parameter type not supported in query : ProjectID class java.util.Collection. How can I resolve this problem? I need to implement a multi select parameter in jasper report using a dynamically generated query which I already have.

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