Hi, I am trying to plot several stacked bars per category label. This question was asked before (http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/533958/multi-series-2d-stacked-column) but it has passed some time since and i hope it is possible now. ( I am using jaspersoft studio professional 5.6) I would like to have a graph similar to this : http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-charts with the difference that in my case the bars should be stacked ones. My data has a very similar structure: (for example) month | serie | field1 | field2 8 p 20 30 9 p 40 10 8 v 30 23 9 v 10 15 I can plot a HTML5 column chart with month as category level, serie as series level and field1 and field2 as measures. It will display 4 columns per month (field1 p, field 2 p, field1 v, field2 v) Now what I want is to stack fields to have two stacked columns per month: 1st stack with field1 p and field2 p and 2nd stack with field1 v and field2 v. I thought the HTML5 stacked column chart would have the same functionality so I tried to use this chart with month as category level, serie as series level and field1 and field2 as measures. Unfortunately it does display only one stacked column per month. Can anyone give me advise? How does the series level of the stacked chart work? I've seen posts about chart customizers using GroupedStackedBarRenderer but I've never used a rendere before and am not sure if it works because I would need unique colors and possibly labels for each displayed measure per month. Moreover, I tried to use muti axis charts. I can display two stacks per month but they overlapp. Is there a possibility to shift them so to have them displayed side by side? Already many thanks for your help. Claudia