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Posts posted by Vovkin

  1. Yes, they are already joined. But it looks like it's not enough to achieve what I want right in Ad Hoc View. I could only shouw on chart number of orders per user so far, but I need group by and show number of users who made 1,2,3 etc orders.

  2. I have 2 tables - orders and users, where user can have many orders.

    What I want to do is to get next data on chart:


    how many users ordered once, twice, 3, 4, 5 ... times (with possibility to check it by day, month, year)


    As I see, I need to get number of orders per user by period, and then make grouping by that number of orders. I'm trying to do this with my 2 tables right in Ad Hoc View, but it looks impossible to do this here, without some additional data.


    Maybe I should add derived table in domain at first or something like that?


  3. I faced with strange behaviour of usage calculated measures in other measures calcuation.


    There is an Ad Hoc View, I have 2 tables - `customers` and `orders`. I added 2 calculated measures:

    1. number of orders (e.g. value is 74802) 
    2. and number of unique customers who ordered (e.g. value is 52107). 

    Then I want to add another measure - average number of orders per customer, so I use next formula in formula builder:


    "Number of orders" / "Number of ordering customers"


    because I already have 2 calculated values, and just use them in this simple calculation.


    But, somehow result is unexpected - by default formula builder set "Sum" in summary calculation, and result is 6.75, when I change it to "None", which looks correct for me, I have no value at all. This looks strange, because I expect that value will be 1.4355 (result of 74802 / 52107). So I have a feeling that Jaspersoft works incorrect if I use other calculated measures in formula.

    I tried the same for other calculations with different calculated measures and result was unexpected there too.


    Didn't expect problems in such a simple case, how to do what I need?



  4. I have DB table with delivery addresses, where one of columns is country_id, and there is separate table `countries` with country data, among them there is a name of country.


    When I want to display revenue grouped by country, I put delivery address country_id to Columns in Ad Hoc View, and order revenue to Rows, and it works as expected (orders and delivery addresses are linked). But the problem is that on chart I have country_id, which is not very convenient, and I want to put country name taken from countries table there (countries table linked to delivery_addresses).


    How can I do this?



  5. Hi,


    I've just started using Japersoft in AWS marketplace, created first data source, domain, and created some fisrt simple Ad Hoc View. 

    In Ad Hoc View I'm trying to display chart with data of user registration dates grouped by month (also quarter, year). And problem is that it doesn't show all the data. We have user registrations started from 2008, and by default I see only data for 2008-2010 in chart. I'm pretty sure that there is all data available, because when I created filter by registration data with range between 2012-2015, it shows data for this period. But if I try to put whole period, so 2008-2015, it again shows only data for 2008-2010.


    I tried everything I could, but still can't force it to show data for whole period. 

    The question is how to do this?

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