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Posts posted by gregory.west

  1. This is a bump,   this is a serious issue, it is effecting all my printout.   On the right hand side of the LETTER sized paper I have about an inch of extra blank space.  This is happening on all the printers I have access to, on three different computer, thus I am left thinking it is something not quite right in Jasper Studio.  I think Jasper is native to A4 size paper, is there something I have to switch to make it native to Letter?

    Gregory A. West

  2. I have a report, 8.5x11  1/4" margins.  When I preview the report in Jasper Studio the report is centered on the page and looks good.   When I print it to any printer I have about a 2 1/2" margin on the right side of the page.   This is happening only in Jasper Studio, and it happens on any of my printers including my PDF creator.   Why is this happening, and how do I get it to stop?



  3. Both JAR files are in the directory: / usr / share / tomcat8 / apache-tomcat-8.0.32 / webapps / jasperserver / WEB-INF / lib /

    barbecue-1.5-beta1.jar88.94 kBtomcat:tomcat06442015/11/23 - 20:52:26
    barcode4j-2.1.jar267.97 kBtomcat:tomcat06442015/11/23 - 20:52:26

    Do they need to be enabled or anything?    And yes I need the barcodes in PDF files to be eMailed to the user once a week.

  4.  I have a report that prints some barcodes using the built  in barcode field type.   Everything is working great my workstation with Jasper Suite (see below) but when I upload the report to the Jasper Server the barcode field just prints the data that should make up the barcode in a san serif font.





    Why is the server not printing the barcodes? Did I do something wrong again????

  5. I found the barcode component you talked about.  Works great in Studio, but on the server all I see is the text data that is supposed to be the barcode.

    This first screen shot is the output from the server. 


    This is the output from Jasper Studio:


    Anyone have an idea what I did wrong this time???   :(   


  6. I need to make a report that uses Code 3 of 9 barcode.  I have tried importing a TTF into a report, and that works OK locally on my computer, but the PDF file produced by the server does not have the bar-code.  Are there any instructions, or white papers of getting barcoding printing, or getting TTF files installed on the server for PDF output?

    I have followed along with a lot of the instructions I found on the Answers forum but so far nothing is working......

    Any help would be awsome!


  7. Is there any way in Jasper Reports that I can tell / control in which order parameter fields are re-calculated?   This is a possible solution to the problem but I need a couple parameter fields to be recalculated in a very specific order.

    Field1: Summary-Lines = Summer-lines + (Last-Group-ID != Current-Group-ID and Last-Group-Printed?1:0)

    Field2: Last-Group-Printed = 'print when condition

    Fiels3: Last-Group-ID = Current-Group-ID

    The major trick here is these three fields MUST be recalculated in order,  Field1, then Field2, last Field3.    Is this possible?

  8. Does anyone have any thoughts, I am even interested in out of the box ideas.   Right now I have a report that is supposed to be blue band, white band, blue band etc....    What I get is White, Blue, Blue, White, White, White, Blue, White, Blue, Blue... Depending on which summary lines are being printed.   Is there a way I can count up the summary lines that have been printed?



  9. I have a report that is a summary only report.  This means the group footer lines are the only thing being printed.  The question comes up, how do I change the background colour for alternating groups.

    Here is the solution I can up with:

    Create a variable, in my case I used GROUP_PRINT Value Class Name:java.lang.Integer  Calculation is Sum.  Now here comes the magic, what you want to sum up are the number of first group detail records.  To do this I used the expression: ($V{Group1_COUNT}==1?1:0) which means when GROUP_COUNT = 1 return 1 for the sum, otherwise return 0.  Every group has to have one and only one first line.  The Initial Value Expression should be set to 0 (zero) Increment type is none, and Reset type is Report.

    Now that will give you a variable GROUP_PRINT that will tell you the group number you are on.  From there create a frame in your group footer change the frames background colour to what you want and add the following to the Print When of the frame:($V{GROUP_PRINT} % 2) ==0.

    There you go, group footers in alternating colour backgrounds.

    Now for my harder question:   I have a clause in my footer for print when.  How do I tell if a footer was even printed for a particular group?

  10. I tried this out, works great for detail lines.  I have a report where all I am printing in the group footers.  Is there some way I can count like number of footer lines printed?   REPORT_COUNT is telling me the number of detail lines I did not print.

  11. I am trying to only print a band footer when two number differ from eachother by more than 2.   I do not care which one if the larger just that the difference is more than 2.   I put into the print when expression a simple formula but I am getting an error.

    I have this on my print when expression for a band footer:

    ABS($F{rop}-$V{Suggest_ROP}) >= 2.0

    but I am getting an error:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:
    1. The operator >= is undefined for the argument type(s) Number, double
                    value = ABS(((java.lang.Double)field_rop.getValue())-((java.lang.Integer)variable_Suggest_ROP.getValue())) >= 2.0; //$JR_EXPR_ID=15$
    2. The operator >= is undefined for the argument type(s) Number, double
                    value = ABS(((java.lang.Double)field_rop.getOldValue())-((java.lang.Integer)variable_Suggest_ROP.getOldValue())) >= 2.0; //$JR_EXPR_ID=15$
    3. The operator >= is undefined for the argument type(s) Number, double
                    value = ABS(((java.lang.Double)field_rop.getValue())-((java.lang.Integer)variable_Suggest_ROP.getEstimatedValue())) >= 2.0; //$JR_EXPR_ID=15$
    3 errors
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractCompiler.java:215)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.eclipse.builder.JasperReportCompiler.compileReport(JasperReportCompiler.java:195)
    at com.jaspersoft.studio.editor.preview.view.control.ReportControler.compileJasperDesign(ReportControler.java:439)
    at com.jaspersoft.studio.editor.preview.view.control.ReportControler.access$15(ReportControler.java:416)
    at com.jaspersoft.studio.editor.preview.view.control.ReportControler$5.run(ReportControler.java:341)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
  12. What I am doing is trying to create an automated statement/reminder for customers telling them about their outstanding invoices.  I would like this to run once a month and automatically send a report listing the customers over due invoices.  There would be two ways to do this, one would be a single report sending out multiple eMails (each one unique of course).   Or two reports, the first report creating a like to customer numbers and eMail addresses, calling a second report to take in the customer number and eMail address and send out that company an over due report.

    Has anyone ever looked at doing something like this before?   Is it easy, hard, impossible?

  13. SELECT parts.*, (iif(parts.lastcost > 25,parts.lastcost*1.40,parts.lastcost*2) as idealsell, partsgroup.*

    FROM partsgroup

    INNER JOIN parts ON 

    parts.partsgroup_id = partsgroup.id


    sellprice 1.05  <= idealsell and not (obsolete)

    order by description


    What I want is the selected parameter idealsell to be 1.4* last cost, unless lastcost is less than 25 in which case make idealsell twice last cost.   Ideal sell is being used over and over again in the report, so simpler to set ideal sell at the select time if possible.

  14. Is this allowable in Jasper Studio:

    IF(($V{DID_BW}==0 && $V{DID_Colour}==0),0,($V{DID_Copy}/($V{DID_BW}+$V{DID_Colour})))

    This is the assignment for a variable that is being printer on a report.  What I am trying to do is print 0.00 is DID_Colour and DID_BW are both zero, otherwise do the calculations.  This is being done to prevent the divide by zero error from happening.

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