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Posts posted by steven.otu15

  1. Hi, I've been stuck here for a while and not sure what to do. I basically have a web app that embed an AWS hosted jasperreport within my authenticated web app (built atop MeteorJS (NodeJS). 

    My jasper configuration is multi-tenacny and I basically need for our different customers to see their respecitve reports upon loginning in. I've read through the docs don't understand how to achieve this. I'm able to embed the report using plain-text login with Visualize.js but get stuck at the token-basd auth. 


    Can someone please provide me with some kind of code-snippets detailing how to actually create the token needed and how to pass them on to JasperServer to get the retured reports? I don't care about which method achieves the SSO (willing to do token-based, CAS, or LDAP - whichever is easiest). I'm also willing to pay someone to do this if there are freelancers reading this thread. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi, 

    I've read throug the docs and previous forum questions but still can't quite get a grasp on this. I'd like to embed my JasperReports within my application built on NodeJS. I'm using Jasper AWS Multi tency 6.1 . I'd like to use token-authentication to implement SSO, but I don't see the sample files needed within my AWS installation to achieve this. Where can I find those files and is there documentation or tutorials on how to implement SSO using Jasper AWS?



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