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Posts posted by nazaf

  1. I have been trying to fetch data from two objects. I have json data where there are 5 objects, out of which 1 has values as an array. I am successfully able to fetch data from the object which has value has an array and use the fields in my report. But,i was trying to get a field from the 1st object as well which on using comes as null. I am posting the image.



    These 3 fields i am using in my report. i want the field 'name' from 1st object to be used with the report but i am not being able to do so.



    Can someone please help me out here?




  2. Ok, I found a solution using this http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-add-marker-tooltips-and-hyperlinks-google-map-component

    I used infowindow to  display the data i needed to.

    <mp:itemProperty name="infowindow.content"> [/code]
          <![CDATA["<pstyle=text-align:left;'><a href="+$F{url}+"target=_blank><b>"+$F{markername}+"</b></a><br/>latitude:<b>"+$F{latitude}+"</b><br/>longitude:<b>"+$F{longitude}+"</b></p&gt]]>[/code]
    </mp: itemProperty>[/code]




  3. I have a fully fucntioning HTML5 bar chart with different categories. I want to change the color of a specific bar

    For example, This bar misses the month name and i want to change the color of this specific bar to any different color without changing the color of my other bars and series. Here, Month is a category whose value is null in this particular case and that is why i am printing it as "NA".

    I am stuck with this problem for days. Please, Help me out here. Let me know if i am supposed to provide more details. 





  4. I have a cascaded paramter report with 2 multi-select query input control which works fine. When i select a value in first dropdown, the second dropdown's values change accordingly and the first value comes as selected. I wanted to have a functionality such as if i select a value in first dropdown, the second dropdown's whole output will come out as selected and further we can deselect/select as per our use. How do i achieve that? Do i have to do something in control and resources? Please, Help me out here.


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