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Posts posted by jlyons

  1. Hello,

    I realize this is an old topic, but it describes exactly the same problem we are having when exporting reports to PDF through our application. The fonts in the body of the report appear fine, but anyplace we use those fonts in a Highchart, it gets replaced with a default font. This is causing display issues with long category names in the axis, etc. All of our fonts are in JAR files and aside from this Highchart issue, we've had great success implementing just about any font we want.

    Should this have been fixed by now or no? Is there something different we need to do or set on the server?

    Thank you,

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I would like to submit this as feedback, but I don't see a "Help" option on this page. Where would I find that?

    If you mean Support, I originally looked there, but all I see is "Cases." I hesitate to submit this as a bug as it isn't a bug. It's just unnecessary UI/UX changes, in my opinion.

  3. I've been using Jaspersoft Studio 7 (currently 7.2) for a few months and there are two small changes that are really slowing me down. I guess my "question" is...why these changes?

    1. I can no longer copy and paste Highchart property names for user-created properties. There are a few chart properties that are not included in the Advanced Property pane for Highcharts (HTML5 charts). You can solve this by adding your own. I used to do this by copying a similar name from an existing property (say, plotOptions.column.dataLabels.style.fontSize) and copy it to a new property that I added (like plotOptions.column.dataLabels.style.textShadow). Now I can't do that. I have to copy it from somewhere else or remember the property path. I add properties all the time (hate the default text shadow on chart labels).

    2. Adding fields is now much more cumbersome. I used to be able to quickly add and then modify fields in the query editor interface. Now I have to deal with a separate window when I d. And it doesn't even auto-select the name so I can just start typing. I have to "select all" first, then I can type. Again, this is something I do frequently.

    Maybe there's a valid reason to make these changes, but I don't see it.

  4. I've seen some posts related to this issue, but most are at least a few year old (if not several years) and I was hoping there’s a cleaner solution than creating subreports.

    I have a report that is using 2 groups and the detail band:

    Group 1: Section header (title)
      Group 2: Section header (column titles)
       Detail (section data)
      Group 2 footer (hidden/unused) 
    Group 1: Section footer (group summary)

    The first group is showing the title of a class in the header on each page and showing a summary chart in the footer. The second group is for the column headers for the detail list which should also show on each page that contains data. The footer for group 2 is not used.

    This works as expected with the exception of the last group. For some reason, the group 2 header (column titles) ends up on my group 1 footer (summary) page, even though there’s no detail to display. My group 1 footer page should only have the group 1 header (section title). 

    Again, this only happens on the LAST group when the report is run. Everything else before that displays fine (no group 2 header on the group 1 footer).

    I messed with all of the checkboxes, but I can't figure out why this last group displays incorrectly.

    Thanks in advance!

  5. We are exploring the use of the Custom Visualization Component in Studio. After following the installation instructions on several different pages, I discovered that Studio (6.3 and 6.2.1) does not play well with PhantomJS 2.1.1...no Java or PDF previews. However, if I downgrade PJS to 1.9.7, the sample CVC reports I downloaded work as expected (HTML, PDF, and Java previews).

    Our production environment is currently running 2.1.1 on 6.2.1, but we are currently only using it for HTML5/Highcharts PDF exporting. We have some new reports in the pipeline that would greatly benefit from the CV component. We would prefer not to downgrade.

    Can anyone else confirm this and/or do you have a workaround? 

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