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Posts posted by haskins.aaron

  1. Hi,


    I've recently changed OS (using Kubuntu 16.04) and I've not been able to get Jaspersoft Studio to work. I've tried 6.3.0 and now 6.2.2. So, I setup access to our Jaspersoft server but when I double-click on the jrxml file it gets stuck on 'Setting contents for '/MyReports/..' 'Refreshing /MyReports'. If I "Run in Background" then try and view the Dataset and Query Dialog, there is nothing there (the SQL disappears).


    Any ideas? There is nothing in the error log following my intial "unauthorised" (typing wrong password).



  2. Hi, I am trying to use a parameter for a report but I am seeing this error return:

    FUNCTION mpay.$P does not exist

    mpay is the name of the database. We are using MariaDB if that helps.

    The dataset is a really basic SQL query (trying to remove all complication):

    select * from transactionmemo where da_holder = $P(da_holder)[/code]

    I have created a parameter called da_holder. If I removed the parameter and hardcode this it works, but it doesn't seem to like the parameter use. I cannot understand where this error comes from, please help! I am using TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio.

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