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Posts posted by mwarner_2

  1. I'm using Studio

    Let's say your collection parameter is called Groups.  This is the what the user will see and chose from when making their selection(s).
    Create a string parameter (Physically located down under the Groups parameter) called Groups_String, with this default value:
    $P{Groups}.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    Uncheck "Is For Prompting".

    In your dataset dialogue, where you might have had this ...@Groups = $P{Groups}..., change it to ...@Groups = $P{Groups_String}...

    Now your SQL is getting a string.

  2. How use a Language parameter to set the number format on the report?

    I want to offer the report-runner two choices in the Language parameter: en-US, and de-DE.  American and German.

    If that choice is 'en-US', then I want the number format shown in the reports like 1,234,567.89

    If that choice is 'de-DE', then I want the number format shown in the reports like 1.234.567,89

    How can I do that?

    Please and thank you,

  3. I have a report with a table component (for export to Excel).
    Also the report has a No Data section, to show the user if they made input control selections that result in no data being returned.  This section has an error message as well as their selections.

    So the way Jaspersoft handles this sort of a report: it first quieres the database in the Main Report, to see if there is any data.  If not it goes to the No Data handling.
    If there is data, then the table component is run, which results in a second query to the dataset.
    This is at least twice as inefficient as it should be.

    Is there any way to make this work with only one query to the database?

  4. Have Studio Professional 6.3.0.final.

    In my previous version of Studio, after I had entered some input control parameters and Preview-ed the report, those input control parameters were saved.  So if I went back into Design, and say added a new field to the report, and then re-Preview-ed the report, those parameters would be pre-filled in for me.

    But now in 6.3.0, the previously-entered input control parameters, are not filled in for me.  Like they were not saved or the saved values are not displayed.

    Really painful when I have lots of input parameters.

    Is this a bug?

  5. Using 6.3.0 Studio Professional and publishing to Jaspersoft Server (Enterprise, 6.3.0, 20160621_1840)

    I used to be able to have multiple identical images in the same report.   Think a .gif for checkboxes in columns.  Or .pnf for a company logo on the report titles, Summary, and No data pages.

    Now, for just one image, each time I publish (regardless if I have touched the image), I must always Overwrite the existing image, or I get "Byte data not found..." error.  That was never the case.  I used to be able to Ignore.

    If I attempt to have two or more of the same named images no matter what I do, I always get the  "Byte data not found..." error.  That also was never the case.

    Is this a bug?  Or is there a way around this?



  6. For all the fields in that row (particularly for the field that might go over its width) is Properties / Text Field / Stretch With Overflow: checked.
    Then for all the fields in that row Properties / Appearance / Size / Stretch Type: Relative to Tallest Object.
    Then to vertically line up the values in that row, you might want to set all the fields to Properties / Text Field / Text Alignment: Top.

  7. I can't do method 1 because I don't know those values ahead of time (and those values change).  So I am trying to do method 2.

    You talk about the query for method 2.  By this you are referring to the JS Server input control query for the multi-select checkbox?

    What is table_2, and column_2?

    Is $P{abc} defined as a string, or a collection, or as a what?


    And by doing this method, then all the checkboxes for $P{m_parameter} will be checked (instead of the usual unchecked)???

  8. Is it possible to default check all the checkboxes for a multi-select query input control?  If so, how?

    I have a Jaspersoft Server defined input control, and it is a multi-select query.  Say the underlying database query is something like 'select all cities where the temperature yesterday was above 62 degrees'.  The query would have different results every day, which means that I don't know ahead of time what the possible results of that query will be.

    As it is now, in Jaspersoft, not selecting any values in a multi-select input control is the exact same thing as selecting all the values.

    But the customer wants all the checkboxes for that input control to be checked by default (when they first see the control).

    I have not seen any thing in Studio or Server where I can default check the checkboxes for a multi-select query input control.

    Thank you.

  9. Your "Select Distinct tran_type...." query was defined using the proper data source (in the Link a Data Source to the Query page in JS Server)?
    And when you run your query in your database (in like SSMS), two of the values in it are always "Subscription" and "Redemption"?
    And you added "tran_type" as a Value Column and you added "tran_type" as a Visible Columns (in the Set Parameters Values page in JS Server)?

    "[Null] | [Null]" in your results (the two [Null]s) that indicates to me that you ADDed two visible columns to your input control, but your "Select Distinct..." statement only returns one column.



  10. Sub reports provide more layout options (like report headers, groups, more than one detail line, etc, etc), than an embedded table.  Subreports do seem to be slower than embedded tables.

    I created a report with 6 embedded tables, and then had to change them all to sub reports, when I didn't like the lack of error handling in the tables.  I wanted a message that read "No detail records found" (when that occurred) and the table could not handle it, but the sub report did.

  11. I would like to have a prompting parameter, whose name (what which is displayed to the report user) changes based on its value.

    Let's say that the parameter is boolean, and its default displayed name is "Display Totals Only".  When the user checks the box, I would like the parameter to now have the displayed name of "Display Details".

    That way, the user will know what affect on the report checking the box will have.

    It seems that for parameters, there is only a Name field, which is both the internal name as well as the displayed name.  I didn't find a Display_Name property.

    I was unsuccessful at trying something like:
    parameter internal name: Display_or_Total_Checkbox
    parameter displayed name: $V{Checkbox_wording}
    created a variable called $V{Checkbox_wording} that had a value expression of $P{Display_or_Total_Checkbox}!=true?"Display Totals Only":"Display Details"

    Do you know how to make something like this work?

  12. Create a date parameter in your main report.  Let's name it "Select_Date".

    Export the report to the server.

    In JS Server, under input controls, create an input control with a Parameter name of"Select_Date".  Make it a single select query.  In the input control's Define the Query, you make a query like "Select DATA_RIFERIMENTO from Oracle_table_exact_name".  For both the Value Column and the Visible Column enter DATA_RIFERIMENTO.  Don't forget to press Add after entering the Visible Column.

    In JS Server, find and edit your imported report, specifically edit the input controls.  Click on Controls and Resources.  Click on the "Select_Date" control.  Select an Input Control for the Repository.  Choose your JS Server input control called "Select_Date".  Save the changes to the report. 

    When you run the report, the JS Server input control runs, and its "Select DATA_RIFERIMENTO from Oracle_table_exact_name" SQL runs and fetches the dates, and displays them in the Select_Date report parameter.

  13. Not sure I understand exactly what you are doing.

    $X{} is used in a server input control to take the values from another server multi-select input control.

    It sounds like you are using the $X{} in your report's main data source.  I have not ever used it there. Not sure you even need $X{}.

    I am thinking that your data source sql would be like ...Where DATA_RIFERIMENTO in (select LTRIM(RTRIM(Item)) from util.split_string_table_nvarchar($P{DATA_INPUT_STRING}, ',')).

    DATA_INPUT_STRING is an unprompted parameter, with default expression of $P{DATA_INPUT}.toString().replace("[","").replace("]","")

    util.split_string_table_nvarchar is SQL function that you can probably google "split string table' and find lots of examples of. 


    I usually use stored procedures in my main data sql and in this case I would pass $P{DATA_INPUT_STRING} to a parameter, say @DATA, in the stored procedure, and in the stored procedure it would do the DATA_RIFERIMENTO in (select LTRIM(RTRIM(Item)) from util.split_string_table_nvarchar(@DATA, ','))

    And my main data source would just have something like: EXEC STORED_PROCEDURE_SPECIFC_NAME @DATA = $P{DATA_INPUT_STRING}

    Hope I have been of any help.


  14. My report has 6 different sections.  Each section is in a separate detail band of the Main report.  I want to give the user a multi-select input control that lists the 6 sections, and lets the user select which of the 6 sections is displayed.  Thus the input control is collection.  Let's call this $P{DisplayOption}.

    For each section (detail band) I want to use the Print When Expression, and java to determine if among the selections made by the user, one of the selections is this section, and then display that section.


    [This was initially a question, but I figured out the answer before anyone read the question, so I have changed this from a question to a statement of what works.  I don't know how to delete a question.]


  15. I have found that setting the parameter's default value expression (in Studio) to the below does pre-populate those values in the multi-select server input control.

    new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("value1", "value2", "value3"))


    Now if you don't know what will be the values in the input control, and you want them all checked by default, that I do not know how to do.  My method only works when you know what some of the values will be, and you want those specific values pre-selected.

  16. I am thinking that you are not seeing any values, because in your definition of your input control, on the Set Parameter Values page, in the Visible Columns entry, there are no columns shown.  Probably you entered a column, but didn't press "Add".

    When editing the input control, under Type, there are many different input control types. You probably want your input to be of type "Multi-select Query".

  17. It seems like there is a limit on the number of input controls that the server can handle.  Around 12 or more and the report won't run.  This is even though in Studio (and in preview) there is seemingly no limit.

    Can someone confirm that there is a limit on the number of input controls?  How many is it?  Does this include the controls created in studio, or is it only for server-based controls?



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