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  1. Hi Team, There are 2+ lakh records which needs to generated from jaspersoft studio 6.0.1. When I run the same procedure from PLSQL, it taking 30 seconds to display the records, But When I am calling the same procedure from Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.1, its taking long time to fetch the records/ display the records in the report, more than 3 hrs :( Is there any possibility to increase the performance of the report? Please suggest. Thank you.
  2. Hi Team, There is a requirement where I need to convert a stored procedure into jasper report? The procedure has few input parameters and an output parameter which is a ref cursor. There are many if else , for loop , multiple dynamic queries , 2-3 cursors . So, due to the complexity involved, thought of calling the stored procedure from jaspersoft studio? Could you please let me know, how can I achieve it? Thanks in Advance.
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