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Posts posted by naremarazi0714

  1. Hi all,

    This question is similar with my question on "data in database was encrypted" but maybe i've asked  the wrong question..

    Actually this is specific question that I want to ask. I want to get the data of input_value in JIReportOptionsInput but the data is encrypted. So in this case, is it under JasperReport control or our DBA?  If it is under JasperReport which mean JasperReport encrypt it, so, how can I decrypt it?? Any formula or code to decrypt it???



  2. Thanks Hozawa..

    But sorry Hozawa maybe i've asked  the wrong question..I want to get the data of input_value in JIReportOptionsInput but the data is encrypted. So in this case, is it still not under JasperReport control or maybe the encryption is from JasperReport?? if  JasperReport encrypt it, how can I decrypt it?? Any formula or code to decrypt it???

    Thanks again

  3. hi all

    I am a newbie to jasperreport.

    I have to pass the parameter in order to generate the report but I've found that the value of parameter in database was encrypted.

    So how can I decrypt it? Is it jasperreport have formula to decrypt the data.

    Thank you for any idea, advice and help..

  4. Thanks Hozawa

    "creating my own input screen outside of JasperReports Server". What do you mean? Did you mean, when user select the report, it will popup a new window/screen to ask the user to enter the parameter?? Is it something like that??

    Sorry, I still new with this iReport..


  5. hi all,

    I'm a newbie to Jasper Report or ireport.
    I have a task to develop batch printing screen where in that screen it will list all the reports.In that screen, users can select the report and download it as PDFs. For now, I just can lists all the reports. The problem that I'm facing right now is I've found that each report have parameters. When I open ireport it will ask for me to enter the parameter such as month, year and so on. I think to generate the report, I have to pass the parameter but I don't know how to do it??

    Thanks for any help or advice.

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