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Posts posted by yann22580

  1. Hi xmcamino,

    What is the type of your field ? For a double or a Big Decimal you can use this : String.format("%,.2f",$F{field_name})

    .2f is for a dot as a separator then 2 floating point on a decimal number. But my locale is 'France' on my PC so the dot become a comma.

    Examples :

    System.out.format("%.3f%n", pi);     // -->  "3.142"System.out.format("%10.3f%n", pi);   // -->  "     3.142"System.out.format("%-10.3f%n", pi);  // -->  "3.142"System.out.format(Locale.FRANCE,"%-10.4f%n%n", pi); // -->  "3,1416"


    You can check on your locale or set the locale directly in the format function.

    Hope it will help you,


  2. I precise I read the TIB_js-jrs-ce_7.5_Admin-Guide.pdf, ch 5.5.2 without success : "The LoggedInUser and LoggedInUsername parameters are always available for query input controls; they'realways available to reports, as well, even if an input control isn't defined for them. The standard parameters are
     also provided for reports if they're defined as parameters in the JRXML."

    Oh, it works fine in a simple report with the LoggedInUsername parameter ! But I need it to work in a report book.

    I gonna try to create the same parameter in the main report and send it to the report where I need it and let you know.

    Edit: tested ok, in a report book you need to create the parameter in the main then send it to the others reports.

  3. Randomly this happens when your report contains resources pointing to the repository as you said.

    You make changes in your report and sometimes it is ok, sometimes you will have the Report Publishing Wizard...

    I don't know why but it is true with older versions of the Studio. I'm using 6.11 but 6.10 and previous before with the same behaviour unfortunately...

    In my case I would say it comes from the pictures, in the Report Publishing Wizard it always offers me this path "repo:/image_name.jpg" instead of the full path "repo:/Resources/Images/.../image_name.jpg" for example.

  4. Hi,

    I use a report book but in debug mode I can find in the log one of my jrxml :

    2020-09-23T17:21:36,289 DEBUG EntityPrinter,pool-10-thread-8:109 - com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoResource{parent=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFolder#610, updateDate=2020-06-19 13:00:39.205, name=B_II_amelioration_creation.jrxml, description="repo:/reports/...

    Debug mode : in JRS : Server parameters -> the 2nd line, the one with no name in JRS 7.5.0 -> Debug

    Hope it will help,


  5. Hi,

    Easy answer, well I thought.

    I'd need to get the LoggedInUsername in my report to dispaly a correct image depending on the user logged in.

    Before we could use a $P{LoggedInUserName} parameter but I get only a null value in 7.x release. I tried with "$P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername()" too.

    What is the new way to get these values ? Is this link outdated anymore ? https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/built-parameters-logged-user

    Thanks beforehand,


  6. I thought I got the error because I was trying to use "-keystore C:Users<myname>" so I changed it to :

    keytool -genseckey -keystore C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0buildomatic.jrsks -storetype jceks -storepass storepw -keyalg AES -keysize 128 -alias importExportEncSecret -keypass myimportexportpw[/code]

    The command generates a .jrsks file but I have a warning :

    "The JCEKS file use a proprietary format. you should migrate to PKCS12 wich is a standard format using

    "keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0buildomatic.jrsks -destkeystore C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0buildomatic.jrsks -deststoretype pkcs12"

    I did nothing for the warning this time and I just tried to list the key in the keystore : keytool -list -v -keystore C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.5.0buildomatic.jrsks -storetype jceks

    It asks me for the keyfile password, so I wrote 'myimportexportpw' (isn't it?) but I still have the same issue :

    "erreur keytool : java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect "

    Yeah, great... I understand 'myimportexportpw' is used as an ecryption key but there is no password to list the keys in the keystore, just type 'enter'..

    Then I js-import my .jrsks on the Windows and Linux environments and import my report (new export because of the new key) on the linux one, success!


  7. Hi,

    As far as I know there is no chart like you expect in Jasper CE (maybe in Jasper Pro releases..).

    The chart that looks like a bit like the one you want will be a bar chart with 'orientation' = 'horizontal' in the "Chart Plot" section and you will need to set -50 and +50 to min and 'max axis value' in the 'Value Axis' part.


    ps : you can add tags to your post to specifiy release and software concerned

  8. On 2 JasperReports Server 7.5.0 environments I need to export from one to import on the 2nd.

    The answer should be here (or in the security guide) : https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v7/using-custom-keys

    If I understand correctly I have 2 files in my home directory (.jrsks and jrsksp) from the installation.

    But to build a new same key to share in your 2 environments you need to generate it like this, cf security guide : (keytool command is in jasper/java/bin directory)

    keytool -genseckey -keystore C:users<you> -storetype jceks -storepass storepw -keyalg AES -keysize 128 -alias importExportEncSecret -keypass myimportexportpw

     Problem is I get an error : erreur keytool : java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

    Is anyone have an idea ? I am blocked to import new reports or updates on production environment (it was not planned to migrate to version 7.5.0 before the tests...)

    Thanks guys,


  9. I tried too, the answer should be here : https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v7/using-custom-keys

    You should have 2 files (.jrsks and jrsksp) in your home directory, ex : C:users<you>.

    But to build a new same key to share in your 2 environments you need to generate it like this, cf security guide : (keytool command is in jasper/java/bin directory)

    keytool -genseckey -keystore C:users<you> -storetype jceks -storepass storepw-keyalg AES -keysize 128 -alias importExportEncSecret -keypass myimportexportpwProblem is I get an error : erreur keytool : java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect


  10. Did you check the timezone into your datasource in JRS ?

    Leave the time zone setting on the data source blank if it is not the case. By setting the time zone on the data source, conversions are happening which do not need to happen in your case.


  11. Thanks to you Sherman but what you explain is exactly what I did. I precised I followed the Admin guide and create a new user for the tests.

    I tried with the attributes at the user level or server level, both reacts the same with the error below : " 'host' attribute not defined at User/Server profile".

    I attached another screenshot of the user attributes.

    Would you have another idea ?

  12. Hi,

    I followed the Admin guide and tested with a new user on JRS 6.4.0 and JRS 7.5.0 and I get the same error :

    "Attribute 'host' is not defined in the User Profile."

    Or if the host is defined in the Server profile :

    "Attribute 'host' is not defined in the server Profile."

    2020-01-21 17:27:10,545 ERROR ProfileAttributesResolverImpl,http-apr-8080-exec-12:307 - Erreur de substitution dans la ressource /datasources/JDBC_PGDH, champ 'url'. Attribut 'host' non défini dans le Server Profile.

    Here is the URL : jdbc:postgresql://{attribute('host','Server')}:{attribute('port','Server')}/{attribute('db','Server')}

    If anyone has an idea ?




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