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Posts posted by h.c.b.

  1. Hello Community,

    i have the following problem. 

    I have created a report which i want to export to excel. I have desinged a table, the report lokks good in excel.

    My problem is, that i have to add a new cell after each cell which are filled. 

    When i export the excel the file looks like





    but it should looks like








    It would be bettter when i could explain this by uploading a image, but it is not possible to upload an image at the moment.

    Did anyone have a possibilty to solve this?

    Thanks for a feedback.



  2. Hello Community,

    i want to add a new question with images. How could i do this? When i add a image in my question, i have to choose a URL. But which URL i have to use? 

    And even when a press the button "Browse Server" i get the error "Access denied"

    I want to upload the pictures to the community from C:/temp. How could i do?

    Thanks for a feedback.


  3. Hello Community,

    i need help by creating a new report.

    Is it possible to great a report as you can see in the screenshot?

    If have checked in Jasperstuido, and i think i could use the crosstab, but i don't if im correct and if it is possible to creat such a report as a summary on the first sheet in an excelfile.

    Thanks for your feedback.

  4. Hello Community,


    i have the following report with a main and a subreport.



    Is there a simple way to export this document (which is layouted for a PDF) directly to excel? Or is only the possibility to change the complete layout?

    Thanks for a short feedback and helpful answers.


  5. Hello community,

    i have to export the data from my report to excel. Viewing the pdf it is correct. Im using a main-report


    and in the detail band a subreport.


    When i export the data, i get in excel the following result:


    You see at the top of the excelfile, that there are many columns combined. Is there any solution to solve this? 

    Should i post the jrxml for both files too?

    Thanks for feedback and your answers,




  6. Hey when i did the seetings like in the "http://helicaltech.com/blogs/86/" and i choose the hyperlink the main report will be called again. Any idea?

    Here is the JRXML-Code after my settings:

    <textField hyperlinkType="ReportExecution" hyperlinkTarget="Blank">
                    <reportElement x="180" y="10" width="100" height="39" uuid="f9600c5c-a851-4ab5-ab29-95488e7b1393"/>
                        <font size="20"/>
                    <hyperlinkParameter name="xxx">

    the main report is in root reports/x/xxx

    when i create the report at the jasperserver it set an value list for the main report. When i call the hyperlink the value from the main report should call the detailreport to get the same informations as in the mainreport. Example: In the valuelist i select Order2. And when i call the detailreport i always want to see the Order2. But in the moment i see Order1 in the detailreport. Thats my problem.

    any idea?


  7. Hey, here the code from the hyperlink:

    <textField hyperlinkType="Reference">
                    <reportElement x="180" y="10" width="100" height="39" uuid="f9600c5c-a851-4ab5-ab29-95488e7b1393"/>
                        <font size="20"/>

    what i have to change that the second report was called with the same parameter from the main report?


    In the second report the parameter was set in the query.

  8. Good evening,

    i have the following problem. I have three reports and i want call the other two from the main report with an hyperlink. I call my report with a parameter for example ordernumber. In the first report the ordernumber 2 was selected. When i use the the hyperlink, in the second report the ordernumber 1 was selected. How can i pass the parameter from the mainreport via the URL to the second report so that i see the same ordernumer?

    My link in the Hyperlink is the following:


    The Parametername in the report is "$P{Auftragsnummer}". How must i set the parameter in the URL?

    Thanks for an answer.

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