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  1. lemmens.mattias's post in sorting months in calculated field 01 instead of 1 was marked as the answer   
    I beleive mylast comment regarding Concatenate was Valid
    I have abandoned use of Calculated Field and have used a Derived Table instead. 
    Below an example of how to make a Derived Table with Concatenated Fiscal Year(the old way)
    SELECT gle.[Posting Date], CASE WHEN MONTH([Posting Date]) > 6 THEN CAST('y' AS VARCHAR) + CAST(YEAR([Posting Date]) AS VARCHAR) + CAST('--' as VARCHAR) + CAST((YEAR([Posting Date])+1) AS VARCHAR) 
    WHEN MONTH([Posting Date]) < 7 THEN CAST('y' AS VARCHAR) + CAST((YEAR([Posting Date]) - 1) AS VARCHAR) + CAST('--' as VARCHAR) +CAST(YEAR([Posting Date]) AS VARCHAR) 
    END AS FiscalYear 
    FROM [showTex Belgie NV$G_L Entry] AS gle
    I beleive you can INNER JOIN these as well using SQL in the derived table but i havent tested this. I did it manually in the Join Tab 
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