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Posts posted by Layla

  1. Using JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Community Edition.

    Scheduled Report.  Report failed to run as a result to an error in the query.  

    Expected the Failure Message indicated on the Schedule > Notification Tab "Send job status notification" section to be sent to the the email address designed for the status notification.

    Instead the Failure Message was sent to the email addresses under "Send report when scheduler runs" .

    What properties need to be set on the server to only have failure message sent to the designated email address in the "Send job status notifications"?

    Thank you

  2. Thank you for your reply,


    I was able to get to work by:

    1) Including this property in the report

    <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true"/>


    2) Adding this property to the textField and specifying the pattern needed

    <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern" value="m/d/yyyy h:mm AM/PM"/>


  3. Using Jaspersoft Studio CE 6.3.1 with JasperReport Server CE 6.3.0

    Field in Jaspersoft Studio is java.sql.Timestamp have tried with java.util.Date also.

    Export to Excel (xls) and the field is converted to a text field.  We need to maintain the field as a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP.

    Have set the property net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type = true in both the report and at the element level.

    Any advise would be much appreciated.

    Thank you


  4. Hello,

    I am trying to create a Dashboard where one of the dashlets displays the output of scheduled report which is saved in the repository.

    For the Dashlet Properties Web Page Address (URI) I put in http://jaspersoftprod:8080/jasperserver-pro/fileview/fileview/organizations/organization_1/Dept_A/Scheduled_Output/Report_M002.html

    It will works ONLY if I am logged in as superuser.  

    I get an error when I am logged in as jasperadmin  Internal server error occurred. Please contact your system administrator.  Internal server error occurred. Please contact your system administrator.  Details: Request processing failed; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.could.not.find.content.resource.with.uri

    I get an error when I log in a user who has access to this folder Internal server error occurred. Please contact your system administrator

    Any ideas?

    Thanks you!



  5. I know how to allow for the WITH statement with an Oracle DB on the JasperReport Server,http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/adding-statements-security-validator

    However hat property and how do you set the property so that the query will work in Jaspersoft Studio?  I have tried using both ojdbc6.jar and ojdbc7.jar

    The query runs successfully on the server and through other tools, Studio is the problem now.

    Thank you


  6. Logged an issue with TIBCO Jaspersoft and it turns out the issue is a combination of user permissions, the path of the report on JRS  and the fact that the "report reviewer" used when browsing reports on JRS had a nice new feature added which makes some automatic translations to the URL which are helpful for someone like superuser who does not have an organization.

    However this new translation feature does not occur when html is generated as an output file, the scheduler uses the regular html exporter. 

    I was informed that this will be filed as a defect.

  7. In Jaspersoft Studio 6.1.0 Professional created two reports, Report 1 with drill down hyperlink on text field to Report 2.

    Upload both reports to Server (JRS 6.1.0 Professional), both function correctly with hyperlink working on the drill down.

    Scheduled Report 1 with HTML Output saved in a JRS Repository folder.  Report 1 runs successfully.  Click on text field to drill down (hyperlink) to Report 2 and get the following error message 

    "The resource with URI /folder1/folder1a/Report 2 cannot be found."

    Report 1 with the drill down to Report 2 needs to run both as a report accessed via the Repository folder structure and as a scheduled report with HTML output.

    Any advise would be very appreciated.

    Thank you.

  8. We using Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server 6.1.0 and just upgraded our upgraded from Oracle 11g to Oracle 12c

    Made the connection changes to the JDBC (using ojdbc6.jar) and return a successful test connection.

    However when we run our reports they ALL return with Document Empty.

    Tried creating a report from scratch, by using the wizard and also by just inserting the SQL Statment.  Can see the tables and field, able to "Read Fields".  Place fields in the report.  Run report and once again Document Empty.

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you,



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