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Posts posted by abc.hegde

  1. No sure whether you can do this in the report desiner. Actually the charts in jasper are based on JFree chart API and in the report desiner we have limited set of attributes to set. Hence you can write a chart customizer where you can get the complete access of you chart and there you can explicitly set the styles for labels, axis, legends etc.


  2. HI,

    For any chart component in your report, you can associate a customizer.

    Below is a sample implementation of customizer,

    public class ChartCustomizer extends JRAbstractChartCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer{public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart) {if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) {    CategoryPlot categoryPlot = (CategoryPlot)plot;[/code]
    CategoryDataset dataSet=categoryPlot.getDataset();  [/code]
      //No data message  [/code]
     if(dataSet==null || dataSet.getRowCount()<1)[/code]
     {    categoryPlot.setNoDataMessage("No data!");   }}[/code]

    Once you have implemented this based on your requirement, you can associate this to you r chart by following steps,

    In your report designer, select the chart -> go to Properties -> look for an attribute saying Customizer class ->

    give the value for that attribute as your customizer class name with complete package.

    Make sure the chart customizer is in your classpath while generating the report.


    Ashwath Hegde



  3. Hi,

    I assume you have created parameters in main report and aslo in the subdataset.

    Now for example if you are using the sub data set for a table, right click on the table -> click on edit data source -> here you will see a tab called parameter, click on that, and then select the parameter to set (the list of parameters in sub set will be displayed for selecting), then in the value field select the parameter from the main report. This will pass the parameter from main report to sub set.


    Ashwath Hegde

  4. HI,

    You can pass them as IDs and in the query you can include those columns in the select statement. When you get the result set, you will have the multiselect values as fields in each row of the result and if you put the field outside the detail band it only prints once.


    Ashwath Hegde

  5. HI,

    You can pass them as IDs and in the query you can include those columns in the select statement. When you get the result set, you will have the multiselect values as fields in each row of the result and if you put the field outside the detail band it only prints once.


    Ashwath Hegde

  6. There is one more way to achieve this, not sure it is an ideal way but i think it works.

    Just create your actaul template, without having any logic to get a blank page

    Create one more template for a blank page.

    Get the Jasper Print object by filling the actual template.

    Get the jasper print objetc of the blank page.

    Now get the number of pages in the actual jasper print object  (using jasperPrint.getPages().size()) and then at each even index add the blank page object (using jasperPrint.addPage(index, page))

    Then export your actual print object.


    Ashwath Hegde


  7. HI,

    Put each row in frames so that if any of the field above the text fields expands then the entire second row gets shifted. This makes your design as per the requirement.

    Just to explain, your top 3 fields will be in frame 1, middle fields will be in frame 2 and bottom fields will be in frame 3.



  8. I myself was able to find a workaround. I wrote a customizer where I get the jfree chart and JasperChart objects. I read the dataset there and found out the numbe rof bars. I then updated the width of the chart using JasperChart object and the value set for width was calculated based on the number of bars to display.

  9. Hi,

    I am generating a bar chart and exporting in an Excel. When the number of bars are more, the width of the bar gets decreases and the width of the chart remains same. Since I am exporting in excel i would love to have the chart width getting expanded horizontally with keeping the bar width fixed. Can some one has any heads up for this?

  10. Hi,

    You can control the exporter as shown below,

    JRXlsxExporter exporter = new JRXlsxExporter();
    exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(print));
    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    exporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput(
    SimpleXlsxReportConfiguration config = new SimpleXlsxReportConfiguration();
  11. Are you using table component? If so, please verify whether you have given the proper dataset for the table.

    Since you have placed the table component (i see that as a table), you need a query for the main report retruns at least a dummy record. Otherwise your detail section will not be printed.

    The better approach is, use the table component in the summary band and have a dataset for table where you have written the required query.

  12. When you want to add a new font, you ideally need to create a font jar, add it in your package. You can use iReport to create a font jar.

    Open iReport, go to Tools-> options ->Fonts, click on install font, browse for ttf files for different styles (like bold, italic etc) then check on the option for embeding this font in the PDF documnet and then say Finish. It will install the font in iReport. Now you can select the font and click on Export as extension. Give a name for font jar (like ariel.jar) and save.

    You have to add this font jar in your package so that JVM gets this when required irrespective of deploying server or environment.

  13. There is a difference between the way you have used parameters in two places. In first condition you are passing the parameter withoout "!", this means, it should be treated as parameter in a named query. But in the second case, the parameter is literally used in the query. This might have caused the problem, please check.

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