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Posts posted by kalpesh.chavda

  1. When i am executing query from MYSQL it is taking  "Showing rows 0 - 499 (68311 total, Query took 0.0102 seconds.)".

    I execute this query from Jasper admin and its taking 3-4 seconds to load first page then its processing for remaining pages.

    But when i am using visualize.js to fetch data then its taking more than 30 seconds to load the data. some times 40 seconds.

    I am not sute but I think visualize.js waits untill all pages are getting execute.

    I want to set same mechanism as Jasper admin in visualize.js.


    Can any one help me, why visualize.js taking big time.

  2. hello,

    in my subreport, my query is select  mobile from emp where id = 12;

    when i run this query i am getting data



    now in my main report i want to displya record like this:

    name   mobile1            mobile 2

    abc     8888888888      2222222222

  3. hello,

    in my subreport, my query is select  mobile from emp where id = 12;

    when i run this query i am getting data



    now in my main report i want to displya record like this:

    name   mobile1            mobile 2

    abc     8888888888      2222222222

  4. Hello,
    I want to print sum of total values of my field into my result:

    in my table report


    name  mark   total

    aa        3         16

    bb        6         16

    cc       7           16

  5. hello,

    in my subreport, my query is select  mobile from emp where id = 12;

    when i run this query i am getting data



    now in my main report i want to displya record like this:

    name   mobile1            mobile 2

    abc     8888888888      2222222222



    how to do this.

    please anyone help me.



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