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Posts posted by paolo.perliti

  1. Hi,

    I'm using JasperSoft Studio to produce a paying-in slip following the specifications of the Italian mail service (Poste Italiane) and almost everything worked as expected. I faced a problem with the datamatrix: the requirements are to produce a symbol which has the shape of a rectangle and the number of cells must be 52x52. Barcode4J can accept a parameter for the min and max  size of the barcode (they are min-symbol-size and max-symbol-size, from here: http://barcode4j.sourceforge.net/2.1/symbol-datamatrix.html), but on JasperSoft Studi these parameters are not exposed, and forcing them by hand in the xml file ends with an error because they are not managed.

    Is there a way to add them?

    Thanks in advance


  2. Hi Teodor, is there any chance to use jasperreports 6.1.x with iText 5.5.x?

    After some years, we finally upgraded our web applications to use jasperreports 6.0.3 with iText 5.5.5 (and then, after some weeks, jaspersoft released version 6.0.4 with itext downgraded to version 2.1.7).

    I understand all those legal annoiances but we cannot revert back our applications so I'd like to know if I am condemned to remain stuck at version 6.0.3.


    Thanks in adance,


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