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Posts posted by alba.ortega

  1. Hi all,

    Hope somebody could help me with this topic... I have a mongoDB query based in Objects as "Ticket" structure, each ticket usually contains Tasks Object and each of them have an Owner, if the Ticket is Open, the associate Owner is “OpnPrps.CurAgtNme”, by other hand if the ticket is Closed, the associate Owner is “Nms.CloAgt”.

    This is how my database (JSON) looks:

     "result" : [


                "_id" : NumberLong(3131032306336),

                "TicId" : 1147552,

                "OrgId" : 729,

                "Sts" : "Closed",

                "CrtDat" : ISODate("2015-04-23T18:50:46.000Z"),

                "CloDat" : ISODate("2015-04-23T19:46:26.000Z"),

                "ShtDes" : "Copy of Employment agreement",

                "Des" : "EE wants a copy of employment agreement. address was verified.",

                "DesSum" : "EE wants a copy of employment agreement. address was verified.",

                "Sol" : "ISIGHT TICKET NUMBER:<br><h1>US-04-15-01109</h1>",

                "CrtAgtId" : 20444,

                "CloAgtId" : 20149,

                "CrtApp" : null,

                "IsInt" : false,

                "HasPrtTsk" : null,

                "PexBodId" : "",

                "PayGrp" : "",

                "RvwDat" : null,

                "RclDat" : null,

                "IsDynDueDatDef" : false,

                "OlaDat" : ISODate("2015-04-25T00:50:50.000Z"),

                "SlaDat" : ISODate("2015-04-25T00:50:50.000Z"),

                "DynDueDatElaDat" : null,

                "ReaTim" : "00:00:00",

                "LstUpd" : ISODate("2015-04-23T19:46:26.000Z"),

                "VrsOnl" : 2,

                "VrsArc" : 1,

                "OpnPrps" : null,

    "Nms" : {

                    "Cmp" : "Organization1 US",

                    "Org" : "Organization1",

                    "Srv" : "Policies",

                    "SrvGrp" : "17. Workforce Administration (NGR)",

                    "Wkg" : "WORKGROUP1",

                    "Pri" : "",

                    "Tir" : "T1",

                    "Src" : "Call",

                    "CrtAgt" : "Arun ",

                    "CloAgt" : "Felicia"


    "Olas" : {

                    "_id" : 2,

                    "EntNam" : "ENTITY",

                    "DueDat" : ISODate("2015-04-25T00:50:50.000Z"),

                    "AmbDat" : ISODate("2015-04-24T20:50:49.000Z"),

                    "DueDatElaDat" : null,

                    "AmbDatElaDat" : null,

                    "SlaDuration" : 18,

                    "TotTim" : NumberLong(0),

                    "TotTimPndEnt" : NumberLong(0),

                    "TotTimPndEmp" : NumberLong(0),

                    "RclInSla" : false


    "Tsks" : {

                    "_id" : 1,

                    "Typ" : "Planned",

                    "CrtDat" : ISODate("2015-04-23T18:50:46.000Z"),

                    "CloDat" : null,

                    "LstUpd" : ISODate("2015-04-23T18:50:46.000Z"),

                    "DueDat" : ISODate("2015-04-25T00:50:50.000Z"),

                    "TimCplTsk" : 1080,

                    "DueDatEla" : false,

                    "AgtOwnId" : null,

                    "WkgSklId" : 45387,

                    "EntId" : 2,

                    "Sts" : "Open",

                    "PrdTskId" : 201,

                    "Ttl" : "Provide Navigational Assistance",

                    "Des" : "Provide Navigational Assistance",

                    "SrvSklId" : 45792,

                    "PriSklId" : null,

                    "TotTim" : 0,

                    "PtnId" : null,

                    "PtnTic" : null,

                    "DepTskId" : null,

                    "IsAct" : true,

                    "IsMndOnCloTic" : false,

                    "Nms" : {

                        "AgtOwn" : null,

                        "Wkg" : "CM_T1",

                        "Ent" : "ENTITY",

                        "SrvSkl" : "Policies",

                        "PriSkl" : null,

                        "Ptn" : null,

                        "Frm" : ""


                    "AscTicItm" : null,

                    "FrmId" : null,

                    "Flds" : []




    And Query in mongodb looks like:



        'Nms.Org': 'Organization1',




















    {$unwind : "$Olas" },

    {$unwind : "$Tsks" },


        'Tsks.DueDat': {$ne: null},

        'Olas.EntNam': 'ENTITY',











                CurTskId: '$Tsks._id',





                All: {$sum: { $cond:


                                {   $eq: [ '$Tsks.DueDat' , null ] } ,0,1







    With this query I’m able to get every ticket for every owner (even if they’re open or closed) and their associate tasks, my problem is that I want to group all the tickets withouth taking in consideration the status , something like a second group after the results I have now, see below:

    The table I get with jasper studio with this query looks like:

    Owner       Inventory  

    ---------   --------------

    Noemi          1                   Owner1:Noemi | Owner2:null

    Carl           2                   Owner1:null | Owner2:Carl

    Darla          2                   Owner1:Darla| Owner2:null

    Carl           1                   Owner1:Carl| Owner2:null

    Paola          2                   Owner1:null| Owner2:Paola

    Noemi          2                   Owner1:null | Owner2:Noemi

    As you can see, I’m getting repeated values due to the different field from each ticket. The table I'm looking for should be like this:

     Owner       Inventory  

     ---------   --------------

     Noemi          3                   Owner1:Noemi | Owner2:Noemi

     Carl           3                   Owner1:Carl | Owner2:Carl

     Darla          2                   Owner1:Darla| Owner2:null

     Paola          2                   Owner1:null| Owner2:Paola

    So, my problem is that I can’t found the way to group these results again to obtain the second table. Any ideas please?

    Thanks in advance. 

    Kind regards.

  2. Hi all,

    I have a .jrxml report connected with MongoDB. Inside this reports I have a table with many Dataset parameter in order to create dinamically the query, unfortunately I have problems with one of this parameters, it looks like:

    ($P{Owner}==null || $P{Owner}.equals(""))
    ?new String("")
    My problem is that when I preview my reports, the $and, $or part of my query can't be executed and I have the following error:
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException: 
    'findQuery' : {
    "OlaDat":{'$lte':{ "$date" : 1434438846714},'$gt':{ "$date" : 1402902732089}},
    Is there any way to change this conditions in order to get evaluable values inside a dataset parameter?
    Any help,please?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards.
  3. Hi! 

    Ok, I will try....

    I have the table from Image 1, And when I click in "Pool" value, itdrilldown many details in other table, this drilldown is sorted by this Owner, however, when Pool (Pool means all the null/empty values), the reports is being sorted by any data (all the inventory) but I want to sort them with Owner == null. 

  4. Hi all, 

    I hope you can help me. Let me explain this bug as well as I can:
    1)I have a report sorted by parameters, the primary is the "Owner", the table looks like:



    As you can see, there's a "Pool" owner, this owner comes because this condition in Text Field:


    2)Clicking any value, they will pass to another report, with some parameters associated to each "Ticket (Creation date, due date, name of owner, description...) This report works perfectly except  when I try to drilldown this "Pool" Owner, when I drilldown it, the reports with details is returning all the repository, I mean, all the "tickets" associated to any owner, and what I want to see is all the "unassigned tickets", which could have the owner name as empty or null or white space...

    I have a condition in the Dataset Table report parameter like: 

    ($P{Owner}==null || $P{Owner}.equals(""))?new String(""): ""OpnPrps.CurAgtNme":""+$P{Owner}+"","

    I'm thinking that maybe the problem is the initial condition $P{Owner}==null || $P{Owner}.equals(""), and this equals("") is not getting correctly all the values but I'm not sure. 

    Thanks & kind regards.



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