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Posts posted by StudioUser_100

  1. I am using jasper studio 6.0.1 and i want to export a table report in excel 2010. Everything works fine, except that the functions are not actually working. I have set detect sell type to true in jasper studio properties, but the default sum in the last table column is not being recongnized. I change any cell value but nothing happens. Am i missing somthing?

  2. I have a spinner in the container where the report will be displayed. I remove the spinner when the report is ready. The problem is that whereas i get success, i wait for a long time the report to be completed because the outputResource is pending for a long time. 

    I have used both success and events: reportCompleted of visualize but neither of them informed me in when the report is fully completed.

  3. I want to create one session and send my credentials only the first time. I have already read that topic but it explains how to centralize your authentication data.if i have understand correctly,this means that it will send the data in every call, but you have to write them only once.
  4. I use html5 heatmap chart and i want to edit the colorAxis.labels.formatter function. http://api.highcharts.com/highmaps#colorAxis.labels.formatter. I have read http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/html5-bar-chart-how-add-percent-sign-datalabel-and-change-its-font-size explaining how to edit html5 chart advanced properties function and i have added com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed = true, to both jasperstudio properties and jasperserver properties file, but with no luck. Am i missing something? 

    The function i want to add in advanced properties is already tested in  http://jsfiddle.net/zwctfwse/ .


    Thanks in advance


  5. I have a problem with html5 charts and especially heatmap. I want to display string instead of number in my heatmap cell. Is that possible?
    To help you understand better this is my heatmap


    I want to display case1, case2 etc instead of 861. If i could also display this in the legend it would be perfect, but this is not so important.

    Thanks in advance! 

  6. I use visualize in my app. When i load my report i use the following code:


    visualize({    auth: {        name : "superuser",        password: "superuser"    }}, function(v){    var report = v.report({[/code]

    i need to load another report without sending the auth data again. How can i achieve that?

  7. I have followed the instructions of http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-studio-expression-editor-how-extend-it-and-contribute-your-own-functions-part-2-0 on how to create a custom function. I can see the sample functions in my expression editor but when i add my own function it is not accessible. Also if i delete both of the custom functions, my custom functions folder it is not visible in expression editor. Am i missing something?Do i have to inform studio for my changes. I have restarted studio after i added my function but with no luck



  8. I have a table in my db with three columns country, weight and cost. I cannot edit my table neither add another table. I add my data in jasper studio and i set the following as a data query:


    I want to create a crosstab with the countries as column header and weight, cost as rows. How can i achieve this? 

     Country 1Country 2


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