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  1. I have changed the fields to correspond t the type of data in the column on the spreadshhet but I am still receivng thie error - Cannot get a text value from a numeric cell More assistance requested. Jim P.
  2. Using iReport Designer 5.6.0 on Windows 7 with all updates installed. I would like to use Excel as a datasource for some reports. When I create a new datasource, I select Microsoft Excel 2007 (xlsx) data source. The next window displays and I provide a name and then select the "Browse" button and the application hangs. Any ideas? Jim P.
  3. When I run java -version from Terminal, I receive: James-Palmers-iMac-27:~ jkpalmer$ java -version No Java runtime present, requesting install. Do I need to install a JDK or JRE? I'm not sure how to "back off" Java 8....
  4. I just downloaded the 5.6 version of iReport (dmg) and installed on my iMac (mid 2010) The application appears in my applicatrions list but when I select the application, nothing happens. Any ideas? Jim P.
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