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Posts posted by codysixthday

  1. I am developing java barcode generator and recently i am working on a program of drawing barcode in jasper reports.I need to use the JasperServer/Tomcat.I searched for a couple of days to fix this bug with nothing new.I had a report which include multi-level subreports everything works fine on iReport 3.7.5.

    I used subreport.jasper as subreport expression in the first level & also subreportA.jasper, subreportB.jasper in the second level & place all (the main report & subreports) in the same path. The problem raised when I try to deploy it on my JasperServer. When I try to upload the first main report the iReport wizard offerd me to attach the first subreport.jrxml in resource folder and access it with repo:subreport.jrxml or repo:subreport.jasper. Then I manually upload the second level subreports and do the same thing change the subreport expression to repo:subreportA.jasper and repo:subreportB.jasper.

    I got compilation error : Unable to locate the subreport with expression: ""repo:subreport.jasper"". java.lang.Exception: repo:subreport.jrxml not found.

    I try dozen solution and nothing works. using : SUBREPORT_DIR @ the beginning,

    using full path : repo:/Circuit_Reports/Connectivity/Connectivity_files/,

    switch between .jasper & .jrxml.

    using jasperserver_api_engine_impl_0_fix.jar in lib folder as a fixation to this bug,

    I also searched the database record to be sure that they are in the same folder and have the same parent folder.


  2. JasperReport java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/jasperreports/
    Same problem with me. I am testing related ireport barcode generatorand jasper report barcode generator.I am able to ant compile sample.jrxml to sample.jasper using build script. But after that when i try to generate .jrprint and .pdf file from the .jasper file using java web application deployed in jboss-4.0.1sp1 i get the no class found error.
    I have not added jasperreports.jar to jboss/lib as it is not required. the jar goes in my projects .ear.
    I am stuck please help.


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