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Ram Ayanavilli

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Everything posted by Ram Ayanavilli

  1. Hi Hozawa, I thank you very much for your quick replay.Really it is very helpful to me. And I have one more doubt. Is commercial version avialable of the latest 6.3.0?? Thank you
  2. Hi, I am working on iReport 3.7.6 version and I want learn about the Jaspersoft Studio lattest version. Would any body please help me to which version of Jaspersoft studio and server I need to download for practice? And what is JasperReports Library and do we need to download it too with Japsersoft stdio? Thank you.
  3. Hi, I am Naresh from India, I am working working on Japser report(iReports 3.7.6)and recently I faced an interview from XYZ company. The intreviewer asked me about the cross tab and table component. I was able to answer for the questions on Crosstab but not able to answer about table component because I didn't get any opertunity to work on table component. I know theory but failed in practical. 1 would please somebody help me in detail about table com? 2. Is there any possibility to do grouping in cross tab report apart from row and colum groups? 3. I want learn about the Jaspersoft Studio, Would any one of you please suggest me which version of Jaspersoft studio good for practice on my own michine? Thank You, Naresh.
  4. Hi, This Naresh from India, I am working as junior develope in Software company. Actully I went through the Jasper community and teried visualize.js. However I am unable to understand exact use of the visualize.js. Recently one interviewer asked hte question whta is visualize.js why we need it. Woulld you somebody please explain to me this concept with links. Thank You, Naresh...
  5. Hi, Forgive me for my poor English.. This is Naresh, working junior developer in IT company. Recently I faced interview from U.S.A. The Interviewer asked the question what is difference between table coponent and suber report. and when we need to go for sub report and why? I created lot of subreports in my developement. However I didn't give proper answer to him. And what is the Table component in iReport. I didn't get opertunity to work on that..? Wolud u any one please clarify my questions.. How I need to prepare for interview on Jasper reports. Thak You, Naresh...
  6. Hi, I opened the link and studied but which was you posted in tour replay. However I unable to understand the procedd of WAR instalation. Would you please explain the process.. Thank You, Naresh..
  7. Hi, I am unable to unserstand the WAR file instalation Would you please explain the process.. Thank You, Naresh..
  8. Hi Hozawa, I opened the link and studied but which was you posted in tour replay. However I unable to understand the procedd of WAR instalation. Would you please explain the process.. Thank You, Naresh..
  9. Hi REspected, This is naresh, working as iReport designer(Ver. 3.7.6) in Vizag. I wuold like equip my self in Jasper Server and recently I downloded Jasper Server 6.1.0 on my local michine. I am following the Jasper-Server-cp-installer guide to insatall the Jasper server. It is very helpful to me however in that document author described about bundle Tomcat and Postgre SQL DB and existing Tomcat and Postgre SQL DB. I would like to use my resources effectively. for this I getting confusion to which to use either bundle or existing. Can you please help me.... Thank You, Naresh..
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