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Posts posted by arlaudpierre

  1. Hello Bob, thank you for your answer but I'm afraid it's not exactly a problem of dependencies. As I said in @hozawa's comment, I added a subreport to a report and tried to publish this report again, and it failed because of the overriding. The remote report unit has only one jrxml file (and it should have 2 of them afterwards) and yet deleting it still fails :-/
  2. So how can I check dependencies being used? Here's what I've done: I have two jasper servers. I created a report on my workspace and published it to my development server. I then published it to my production server. I modified the local report (added a subreport) and published it to dev server again. Now I can't publish it to production because I get the exception (it would override the report there and this seems not allowed). Thanks for you help :-)
  3. Everytime I try deleting a file in the studio, I get the following stack trace:


    java.lang.Exception: The Server has returned an error with code 1 and with the message could not delete: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.ContentRepoFileResource#6282]; SQL [delete from JIResource where id=? and version=?]; constraint [fk47fb3cd7f254b53e]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not delete: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.ContentRepoFileResource#6282]
        at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.delete(WSClient.java:224)
        at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.delete(WSClient.java:199)
        at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.soap.SoapConnection.delete(SoapConnection.java:99)
        at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.ProxyConnection.delete(ProxyConnection.java:86)
        at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.WSClientHelper.deleteResource(WSClientHelper.java:327)
        at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.action.resource.DeleteResourceAction$1.run(DeleteResourceAction.java:81)
        at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)

    How can I get rid of this constraint and actually delete this file? It seems to cause problems when I try overriding the whole report as well.

  4. By complex I mean with several subreports.

    I'm working with Jaspersoft Studio and I have successfully configured the access to a Jasper Server. I'm now trying to export a whole report (with all its subreports) from the server into my workspace.

    I click copy on the report unit in the repository explorer, and then if I try to paste in the project explorer I encounter the following error:

        Cannot paste the clipboard contents into the selected elements.

    My goal is to have all reports locally to do the report modifications and then publish them, because so far I can only edit the remote reports live.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

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