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Posts posted by bill.talley

  1. Hi,

    I would like to know what version of PostgreSql comes bundled with Jasper Report Server Pro Edition?

    Also, to upgrade from Pro 6.0.1 to 6.1.0, is it necessary (or recommended) to upgrade to the bundled Postgres repo?

    Any helps appreciated in advance!.


  2. Hi,

    We're creating a view on top of a domain and then make a report on top of the view. The view has several fields from the domain, but we also need some additional queries against jndi datasource to bring in these results into view.

    Fairly new to jasper and would like to know where "custom sql queries" are typically added. We are on Jasper Report Server Pro 6.0.1. Don't know if Jasper Report Studio is need for this. Seems like should be able to do it in a domain or view?


    Any advice or direction appreciated.



  3. Hi

    We are just starting out with Jasper Server Pro 6.0 in tomcat7 on Windows 2008 R2 enterprise VM with 8GB ram. I used jasper GUI bundle installer that creates a tomcat and postgres just to get the benefit of having the installer do the work of creating the postgres DB and service. (I removed the bundled tomcat service afterwards since we have an existing tomcat).  Then ran I the WAR distro install script (js-install.bat) to install the jasperserver-pro into our existing tomcat7 container. .This was a work-around because I was not able to download postgres separately at the time.

    My question is if I'm likely to pay a DB performance penalty for doing it this way?  Performance-wise it better to download and set up a postgres DB separately instead of just going with the default bundled version?

    Thanks in advance for any advice

  4. Hi,

    I am installing JasperServer Pro Edition 6 on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 VM (vmWare) for developer use with default tomcat and PostgreSQL.

    We are going to stand up another separate VM host of JasperServer 6 for external testers to use. My question is if it is okay to vmware clone the JasperServer VM

    host instance (to save me having to re-install), or better to go through the re-install? Has anyone out there tried this before?  (We will be working with trial editions initially).

    Thanks in advance for advice!




  5. I am new to BI and looking at JasperSoft server 5.6.1 commercial edition.  Our users want to be able to create ad-hoc reports from an oracle data sources. I have to give a short demo of the web UI for designing a simple report. My question is a somewhat philosophical one: What are the general advantages of creating a report against a view as the datasource as opposed to other BI products where the report is designed directly against the relational datasource?

    So far I like what I see with the Jasper server product, but I fear that my audience for the demo may be turned off by the idea of first having to design an ad-hoc view before they can design a report.  As a java developer I can appreciate that the view is a layer of abstraction between the report and the domain, but fear the users will not see things that way. (they are more familiar with the, let's call it..."Snowflake Reports" product where they just point the designer tool at the datasource and go).

    Any suggestions for how to convince a data-savvy but non-technical crowd that creating the view first is a good thing?

    Advice on this appreciated in advance.



  6. Hi,

    We are just starting to take a look at Jasper Report Server 5.6.1.  So far I like what I see but am a bit confused over dimensions and measures. In the Set pane, when I select a field and click "Edit" in properties pane, the Fields and Measures drop down only shows 2 choices -  Dimension and Measure.  Field is not a choice as it is in the "Domains" tutorial video.  So looks like the term "field" has been replaced by "dimension".  Is this correct? (My domain is pointing to an Oracle 11g data schema)

    Also, I am finding it tedious to have to change all the integer primary/foreign key fields from "Measure" to "Dimension" on tons of fields. Is there any way to change the default so that integer types default to being dimensions? Maybe it does not it matter so much if I just leave the all these key fields as Measures?

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

  7. Hi,

    We are evaluating JasperReport Server and Jaspersoft Studio on a single machine, and need to get them working over SSL.   I had no problem getting JR server just by following the tomcat docs to create a self-signed file like this:

    %JAVA_HOME%binkeytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

    ...this created a ".keystore" file into my Windows user home.  Then I modified tomcat's server.xml to set ssl jsse connector, and pointed it to my new .keystore file:

        <Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" SSLEnabled="true"
                   maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
                   keystoreFile="${user.home}/.keystore" keystorePass="changeit"
                   clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

    Now the JR Server tomcat is listening on 443, and web UI works fine over https now (after i click "proceed anyway" to browsers unkown CA warnings).  BUT I'm running studio 5.6.1 on same machine as server, I updated studio's network prefs per the SSL help to use SSL on port 443. When I try to connect to server, I get the ssl handshake exception.  I read the answer similar question here:


    Problem is, I don't understand the resolution. It talks about importing "certificate" into Jaspersoft-studio-5.6.1-final...jrelibsecurity folder, so I guess it is using its own jre.

    But how to do this import?  All I have so far is the one ".keystore" file I created to get tomcat ssl working.  Maybe this would be easier to test if I ran studio on a different machine than server...

    Thanks in advance for any help!



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