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Everything posted by florian.johannssen

  1. Hi folks, Short Question. is it possible to embed a pdf document inside a jasper report? If so, how is it possible to arrange this? Best Regards Florian
  2. You see the attachment in my first post. It represents the third attachment ;)
  3. Yes, I do. I provide for each Group one Grouping Header. Maybe, this is the problem. I have attache a picture of my studio designer above. Maybe you can tell me an advice to reach my target. Thanks Best Regards Florian
  4. Hi folks, I have a grouping problem which is display in the attached picture. I have three groups (blue,green and red). In the database: The blue-table has 1:n relationship to the green table and the green table has a 1:n relationship to the red table. I solve this with three group-header which are organized one after another. The problem is, that the data are organziged in a bad way. Is there a solution to reach the target-grouping layout with the Jasper Studio? Thanks for any advice. Best regards Florian
  5. Hi folk, I would like to integrate a report of my Jasper Server into my application via visualize.js. But I don`t want to show the report directly in the html page. But rather I want to provide the report as download in xls,pdf and html format. So, I need a Byte Array as return from the jasper server. Is this possible with visualize.js? If so, how can I do this. Thanks for your help. Best regards Florian
  6. Hi folk, currently, i am checking out the Jasper Server Professional 30-days test version. I have created some reports by using the report disgner jasper studio. I would like to ask if it is possible to import jrxml files into the jasper sever and how can i do this. Best regards Florian
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