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Posts posted by florian.johannssen

  1. Hi Jasper fans,

    i want to sort my data by using a variable. So far so good. 

    On the first view, the order seems to be correctly. The picture below shows what is going wrong. 

    I define the variable as no calculation function. Increment type and reset type are setted to None.  

    Dones anyone have an idea?

    Kind Regards




  2. Hi jasper fans,

    i am using the jasper server in version 6.0.1 and I am logged in as jasperadmin.

    Everything is working fine. But if I want to display all users and roles, nothing will be displayed in the web interface.

    Besides if I want to create a new user, the Create-User-Popup will not be displayed as well. 

    I didn´t see some helpful information in the logfile. It is strange, because the user table of the jasperserver seems to be correctly and I can log in as jasperadmin successfully.

    Any Ideas? 

    Best Regards Florian



  3. Hallo jasper fans,

    I am accessing my reports using the rest v2 api of the jasper server (6.1) within a java web application.

    When I export my reports local on my Jasper Studio, the HTML export displays my charts correctly. But when I generate a HTML Export within my web application, the charts are not displayed. 

    The Image Path seems to be incorrect. The browser is not able to load the image. I have tried a lot of export properties like html.using.images.to.align.

    But I have still the same problem. Thanks for any suggestions.


    Best Regards




  4. Hi folks,

    I am trying to get all Parameter information from a report which is stored in my jasper server. I am using the JRS REST client: jrs-rest-java-client

    OperationResult<InputControlStateListWrapper> parameterList = session.inputControlsService().inputControls().container("/Report/" + reportId).values().get();
    for (InputControlState input : parameterList.getEntity().getInputControlStateList()) {
        input.getId()); --> is working
        input.getUri(); --> is working
        input.getType() --> does not exists !?
        input.getLabel() --> does not exists !?
    Does anyone know how i can access the label and the type of a parameter?
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    Best Regards


  5. Hello Jasper friends,

    I am using the Jasper REST Client: https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client

    I want to integrate this lib into my maven pom.xml as dependency. When I put this code into my pom, the following Error-Code will be printed in my Eclipse IDE: Missing artifact com.jaspersoft:jrs-rest-java-client:jar:6.1.4

    The POM.xml :


    <project ...
      <parent> ... </parent>
                <name>Jaspersoft clients snapshots</name>

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong. 

    Thanks for any help.

    Best Regrads Florian

  6. Yes, I have already solved this problem by using the resourceService()

    The code:

    public void testGetAllReports() {
            OperationResult<ClientResourceListWrapper> result = session
                    .parameter(ResourceSearchParameter.FOLDER_URI, "/Velimo")
            ClientResourceListWrapper resourceListWrapper = result.getEntity();
            assertTrue(resourceListWrapper.getResourceLookups().size() > 0);
            for (ClientResourceLookup resource : resourceListWrapper.getResourceLookups()) {
            logger.info("Report: " + resource);


  7. Hi hozawa,

    I have researched a lot and I think there is a solution. I think it is possible to configure the FileVirtualizerFactory by setting the maxSize from the default 300 to 1000 or whatever. Doing this setting, the Virtualizer will generate Virt-File not until after 1000 pages.

    Best Regards



  8. Hi Jasper fans,

    i have a big problem with my jasper server. If I want to execute a simple report which takes time about 2 minutes with around about 600 pages, 

    the jasper server generates several hundred thousands of virt-files inside the tmp directory of my application server.

    Does anyone know how to solve this problem.

    Thanks for any ideas and suggestions.

    Best Regards



  9. Hi folks,

    does anyone know how to design a report with frames where the textfields can be streched very long like this example:


    I would like to have flexible and dynamic frames which will be strechted if the textfield are very long.

    Is there any solution provided by jasper studio? Is it prossible to work with a rectangle and lines?

    Best Regards



  10. Hi folks,


    does anyone know, how it is possible to define a parameter as required/mandatory inside the jasper studio.

    I deploy my report on a jasper server. Furthermore, I am calling the report via the rest_v2 interface within a web-application.

    I know how to ask a parameter if it is optional or required via the rest_v2 api. But I don`t know how I can do the settings for that.


    Any ideas?


    Best Regards



  11. Hey folks,


    does anyone know why the jasper server ignores the XLS export properties which I have configured in the file: ../WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties




    I am using the Jasper Server version 6.01. Any ideas?


    Best Regards



  12. Hi folks,

    does anyone knows why I am getting an 404 Error if I call the options Service for a specific report?

    I am sure, that the path to my report is correctly:

    http://HOST/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/Reports/Sample/BasicReport/inputControls        (IS WORKING)

    http://HOST/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/Reports/Sample/BasicReport/options                 (404 ERROR)

    Does anyone have an idea? 

    Best Regards 


  13. Thank you very much for your answer. If I follow our suggestion, the parameter ProductFamiliy is empty by running the report (An empty list will be printed). The type of the parameter is java.util.collection.

    It seems to be that the input data of the client like Drink and Food will not pass to the Jasper Studio Collection Parameter :(

    Do you know what I am doing wrong?


    Best Regards



  14. Hi folks,

    I have a report with a parameter as type of a java.util.collection. I am using this parameter in the SQL of my Jasper-Studio as: AND $X{IN,country,MyCountries}

    I am not able to pass the value into the MyCountries parameter via the restv2 api in the URL.

    I try to call the report like: 

    GET http://HOST:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/Reports/MyReport.pdf?MyCountries=USA&MyCountries=Mexico

    The problem is, that the parameter USA and Mexico will be ignored. Has anyone a suggestion? This would be very very helpful.


    Best regards


  15. Ok, and how should I define the parameter in the jasper studio?
    As java.util.List or java.util.Collection?

    My parameter looks like: <parameter name="Countries" class="java.util.Collections"/>

    Is the syntax correct for several Countries like USA, Mexico, Germany:


    Could this works, if I define the parameter as java.util.Collection und using it within my SQL Query: $X{IN, country,Countries}

    Best Regards


  16. Ok, and how should I define the parameter in the jasper studio?

    As java.util.List or java.util.Collection?


    My parameter looks like:



    Is the syntax correct for several Countries like USA, Mexico, Germany:




    Could this works, if I define the parameter as java.util.Collection und using it within my SQL Query: $X{IN, country,Countries}


    Best Regards



  17. Hi folks,

    does anyone knows how I can pass multiple values to the jasper server via the rest_v2 interface?

    I use this for a singleValueText: host/reports/Reports/Report.pdf?PARAM=Text

    I use this for a singleValueDate: host/reports/Reports/Report.pdf?START_DATE=2015-03-02&END_DATE=2018-03-18

    But how is the syntax for multiple values?

    Best Regards


  18. Hi folks,

    if I deploy a report which uses a style template everything is fine. I can execute the report inside the jasperserver and all styles like the font properties are printed correctly.

    But, if I try to access the report via the REST_v2 Interface, I get the report as PDF without the custom styles from the template.

    Does anyone have a sugggestion?

    Thanks for any help.


    Best Regards 


  19. Hi folks,

    I have deployed my jasper server via: executing the js-install-ce.sh minimal as web application inside a jboss which is locacted on a linux maschine.

    When I try to create a new JDBC Oracle Datasource I get the followining error after uploading the Oracle Driver: ojdbc6.jar


    Does anyone know what is wrong? Thanks for any suggestions.

    Best Regards





  20. Hi Jaspersoft team,

    I would like to try out the Jasper Rest API and I was searching for the Rest sample Java client which should be provide on: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/getting-started-rest-web-service-api


    Download the sample application attached below Pre-requisites: Java, Maven, JasperReports server (version 4.2 or later)

    But – I couldn´t find the sample application to download.

    Can you help me?

    Best Regards

    Florian Johannßen

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