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Posts posted by raul.mendez

  1. Hi,

    I tried to do the following and I don't found any thing related or information is not complete to help me:

    Having a invoice I want to send one parameter and it could be a collection or list, for example if I want to print 3 different invoices, the parameter should send this "Invoice 1, Invoice 2, Invoice 3", so in each page footer of the invoice should display the corresponding text.

    Is there any way to do this?

    I'm using openerp.

  2. Hi,

    I generated a report to be exported to XLS, I added some properties in the field that will be the column but they are not applied when the report is genered by openerp, if the report is generated by iReport, it's look great.

    For example the following properties are not applied, I've tried each one at a time, not simultaneously:



    Does someone know what happen?

  3. Hi,

    I'm trying to have a variable that displays the total of products, so I have the following:

    Parameter: stock_initial (The quantity initial)

    Variable input: stock_in (This return the quantity of an input product)

    Variable output: stock_out (This return the quantity of a output product)

    Initial stock43 

    So I want to create a variable to get values on total column (green values), I tried to do the following but this does not work:


    Initial value expression: $P{stock_initial}

    Variable expression: $V{stock_input} >= 0 ? ($V{Stock_total} + $V{stock_input}) : ($V{Stock_total} - $V{stock_output})

    Calculation: Nothing

    The variable should calculate the initial value and add or subtract of input or output and display result, for the second line the result of the variable should be used to do a new calculation. I hope someone help me.

    Thank you in advance.

  4. Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to use a xml datasourse in python code for openerp, so I want to use a xml generated as datasource and fill my report. The following code is used to that purpose but it is used in java code, does someone now how to convert to python?

    public void fill() throws JRException  {    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();    Map params = new HashMap();    Document document = JRXmlUtils.parse(JRLoader.getLocationInputStream("data/northwind.xml"));    params.put(JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory.PARAMETER_XML_DATA_DOCUMENT, document);    params.put(JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory.XML_DATE_PATTERN, "yyyy-MM-dd");    params.put(JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory.XML_NUMBER_PATTERN, "#,##0.##");    params.put(JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory.XML_LOCALE, Locale.ENGLISH);    params.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, Locale.US);    JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("build/reports/CustomersReport.jasper", params);    System.err.println("Filling time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));  }[/code]

    Thank you.

  5. Hi community!,

    I'm working with jasperreport module for openerp, I generated some report using sql connection but now I want to use a xml datasource to generate a new report, I'm mean in a python file a new xml will be generated with all data needed for the report. I tried with the following but they don't work:

    1. Create a property on report:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource = my_data_generated.xml

    2. Try with another property:

    net.sf.jasperreports.xml.source = my_data_generated.xml

    Any of them properties don't work to generate the report, the xml file is located in the same path of the jasper and jrxml.


    Thank you

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