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Posts posted by james.t

  1. Hi Hozawa,

    I have had the same problem. I raised a support call with Jaspersoft and they told me there wasn't any exporter properties to ignore pagination.

    I asked for this to be submitted as an enhancement request but it doesn't appear to be in the release pipeline.

    The workaround was to have two versions of the report - one with pagination and the other without(!!)





  2. Johnathan, two things spring to mind:

    1. Have a version control practice that works for you. We simply version controlled the jrxml file but in hindsight this isn't enough. The whole report unit - jrxml and parameters need to be included. I think this is where the import-export tools would come in very handy.

    2. Make use of relative dates. You really need these if you want to schedule reports that use date parameters. I initially wrote reports using java.util.Date but never again - always use relative dates for date parameters.

  3. I don't think you can change the colour of a band. However, you could add a Frame element to a band and add your report fields to that. Then you can create a conditional style to use different colours as required. Assign the style to the Frame element.

  4. If you are using the multi-tenancy feature then you can access the organisation id in a report query by creating this parameter in your report:


    Similarly if you assign attributes to users you can access these using:



    myAttributeName is the name of the attribute you have defined on the server.



  5. You should use the relative dates feature. This enables you to enter a parameter like WEEK-1, MONTH-12 and this will give the parameters the dynamic property you require in your scheduled reports.

    You need to give the parameter a class type of net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRange. Then you will probably want to set some default values such as:

    new net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRangeBuilder(EDATE(new Date(),-12)).toDateRange()

    new net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRangeBuilder(TODAY()).toDateRange()


    More details available here:






  6. To start with you want to remove the red lines and warning symbol that have appeared in the crosstab design. What is happening is that the $V{} elements you have do not fit in their container.

    To do this you need to 

    1. From your main report view, double click on the crosstab.This will then take you into the crosstab for editing.

    2. From the Outline view, highlight the columns in the Column Groups and then extend them to be the same size as your $V{} elements. Or right-click on the $V{} elements and select Size To Container -> Fit Both

  7. The stacktrace is reporting a problem with "LoggedInUserTenantid" which is different from "LoggedInUserTenantId" as a consequence of the lowercase i. Therefore there doesn't seem to be a problem with your SQL query as the problem is with a query elsewhere. It would seem you have another query running which is using "LoggedInUserTenantid" and it is that query that is failing rather than the one you've quoted

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