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Everything posted by pspjasper

  1. Thanks hozawa, but i'm using AIX Version 6.1 and running js-install-ce.sh minimal the error is the same and the final message is BUILD FAILED I am installing Jasperresport Server version 5.6.0, is the bug present in previous versions?
  2. Hi all, i'm trying to install Jasperreports Server cd 5.6.0 i follow all the istructions in the Jasperreports Server comunity project intallation guide and modify the mysql_master.properties as follow dbType=mysql dbHost=myremotehost (i ping it successfully) dbUsername=jasperserver dbPassword=jasperserver when i run js-install-ce.sh test the log return this message do-install-upgrade-test: [echo] Checking DBMS host and port: [echo] About to validate host: myremotehost [echo] Host myremotehost is OK [echo] Done validating host: myremotehost [echo] About to validate port: myremotehost:3306 [echo] Port 3306 is OK [echo] Done validating port: myremotehost:3306 [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://myremotehost:3306/mysql. Phase: [test] [echo] For JDBC driver the artifactId and version properties are set: [echo] maven.jdbc.artifactId=mariadb-java-client [echo] maven.jdbc.version=1.1.2 [echo] Specified JDBC driver jar exists [advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Could not connect: Access denied for user 'jasperserver'@'ip address of my local host' (using password: YES) [echo] Connection failed: [echo] SQLState: HY0000 [echo] Vendor specific error code: -1 [echo] Message: [Could not connect: Access denied for user 'jasperserver'@'ip address of my local host' (using password: YES)] Why the substitution happens? Thanks to all
  3. Hi all, i'am new with Java and Jaspersoft so my question will be too easy. After create and compile reports with Jaspersoft Studio i would like to run/call report via URL containing parameters if needed. What i need to do this? I have to use JasperReport Server? Or JasperReport Library? Which is the light/ simple way to do this? I read about API's and java application integration but i need some help to focalize the right way. Thanks to all.
  4. Hi all, i create a report (here called A) filled with only parameters (no database query) and successfully test it. In another report (here called B) i create a query on a database that return multiple lines. If a use the returned fields in the detail the report B is filled with all the informations retrived in a tabular format. When i try to use the report A as a subreport of B and pass to its parameters the fields of the query the preview shows only white pages (the exact number of records). In the properties of the subreport i create a list whit the same names used in report B and associate as expression the field of report A. Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
  5. Hi all i have the need to use a DATAMATRIX in my report. I try adding a barcode object from the palette but i need to change the Preferred Format property to 30 (16x48) in order to generate a rectangular datamatrix instead of a squared one. How is it possible? Any help or suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks
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