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Posts posted by nithinabaq.us

  1. Hi,


     I am calling jasper api to render reports in my app. I am calling v2/reports service http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reports/

    path/to/report.<format>?<arguments>  (Running report api). But when i add charts in to my report and call the same API am getting PDF and XLS with the proper chart output but while trying to get HTML report  the chart is not showing up.And when i try view source on the html page i can abl to see in the portion of chart as : <img alt="" style="height: 170px" src="/jasperserver/rest_v2/reportExecutions/b783f2a8-0439-4c72-bf21-c87f029670a1/exports/ca9febe3-0599-47aa-8967-d7950f77f2bb/attachments/img_0_0_0"> .  The image sorce path is not proper. How can i resolve this? 
    Please help me.
  2. Hi,

       I am calling report service using rest api like http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/reports/samples/testNew.html?deviceID=9876543210&fromtime=2014-01-01+00:00:00&totime=2014-06-01+00:00:00&accountID=demo&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin . how can i avoid j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin  so that i dont want user to prompt to sign-in. How can i do this? Please show me some sample code that can pass sessionID in the url/headers so that it wont prompt for creadentials and will directly show the reports.

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Hi,

        I have JSESSIONID that i get from jasper RestAPI POST call.How can i use this sessionID for the future Report Service API calls? I am using REST API. Can any one give me a sample or any source code or any solution for this. I dont want to create LDAP/CAS for singllr-signon business.Please help me to trouble shoot this in Java.


    Thanks in advance



  4. Hi,

       I used to access the jasper reports through url : http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/samples/BizteamNew&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin . I dont want to add my username and pasword in this url since the user who access my app will cam to know about the creadentials.


    can i put these creadentials in any config file so that whenever user try to access the reports will pick up the report from the jasperserver and will display in my app.


  5. i have the evaluation version downloaded from the community website. And i have done manual installation from the jasperreports-server-cp-5.6.0-bin file. I can able to create jrxml from the ireport and can able to add that jrxl as jasper report to the jasper server and can able to access access that report throgh url like : http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/samples/teamNew&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin

    But my pro blem is if i pass any condition in my sql query and set up some parameters to pick up like : SELECT * FROM Account where deviceID=$P{deviceID} and timestamp>=$P{fromtime} and timestamp<=$P{totime}; and if i am passing url as like : http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/samples/teamNew&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin&deviceID=9876543210&fromtime=1401617694&totime=1406802260, i am not able to see the reports, but if i try the same from ireport , ireport will propmt for the parameters and i can able to pass those and can able to see the reports... Did i want to make anything extra or any problem in my set up?


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