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John Johnson

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Posts posted by John Johnson

  1. In JS 5.6.1 I want to restrict the range of dates that can be chosen so I modified controls.components.js.

    This works for the maxDate - I can prevent dates being selected in the future by putting   maxDate: +0

    I want tro set minDate to some date in the past say 1st Jan 2013', but every format I have tried does not work. 

    Has anyone done this successfully?

    (I am aware that I need to test this using the &_opt=false setting and then I need to run the optimisation process)

    (I am also aware that I could limit the range on the input control - but this still lets a user enter an invalid date - it just flags it as invalid afterwards) 


  2. I have a valid Mondrian xml schema, created in the OLAP Mondrian workbench. I create a DataAdapter in Jaspersoft Studio using the Mondrian xml schema as the Catalog URI and the JDBC connection details for the underlying MySQL database. "Test Connection" returns  "Successful".

    When I create a report using this data adapter the report wizard displays "Getting metadata for 'my schema' Please wait..."

    Nothing further happens. Is this a bug - or have I missed a step?





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