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Everything posted by aamitt06

  1. I have a requirement to create exploded 3d charts and use them in jasper report I have made a sample using swing of 2d chart by following http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/JFreeChart/article.html but when I do it for PieChart3d it does not give exploded view.
  2. I was able to set marker property,I found no way to change the property of marker in ipreport map properties and the edit right click. To resolve this issue I made changes in the xml of report and set marker item property for icon there ,the following changes I did was: <mp:itemProperty name="icon"><valueExpression><![CDATA["http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/icons/blue-dot.png"]]></valueExpression></mp:itemProperty>
  3. How to set marker property in map component in JasperSoft Ireport Designer 5.6.0 , I am not able to find any such property to customize marker?
  4. To include more than 50 markers in map of consumer location,what I did was I included the map component in summary band and followed the same procedure as in
  5. I also faced the same error after including my report on jasper server I was running as preview in Ireport ,To resolve this error I changed the subreport expression in report from "repo:DrillDown.jrxml" to $P{SUBREPORT_DIR}+"DrillDown.jasper"
  6. Thanks for suggestion but I have two same database type and I have to copy all metadata information from one database to other using ETL job.
  7. Can we copy all the tables of the schema to another schema in another db at once using jasper etl job? I tried tmysqlInput and tmysqlOutput corresponding to each table in database which i think is not good approach.
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