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Posts posted by rdp_mx

  1. Thanks for the answer, I did check that, this time the datasource default directory was DataSources and not datasources, but I am using the correct casing. The error message I have set to debug even says "DataSources/C1" not found when that is exactly the path and name of the datasource that is pointing at the correct database and when testing connection works perfectly.
  2. I have a custom datasource that is working fine in a windows 2003 server, but when I migrate it to Linux Ubuntu 14 it does not work anymore. The datasource class file will determine the datasource to use depending on the user logged in. There is a datasource called COMPANY1 to be used for users with _COMPANY1 suffix, for instance admin_COMPANY1. The exception raised says no resource found for datasource/COMPANY1 when this datasource is configured and running correctly.


  3. Hi, I have a jrxml file that when I export to excel or pdf all UTF8 characters look OK, yet when I export it to html using JRHtmlExporter the UTF8 characters such as accents and "ñ" are not correct, they are showing for example 


    instead of Recaudación. The html file is generated with the correct encoding:

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

    the jrxml file is also with the correct encoding and characters:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    and I am using the following to set the response and the exporter:

                    exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8");

    But I can't seem to get the correct output in the html. Hope someone can help me, I've searched around the forum and could not solve my problem yet.




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