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Posts posted by michaela.camson

  1. And then in Subtotal


    NetProceed1 = 40 690.00 This One is correct that value is the sum of the first group.

    Variable_1 = 704, 066.00

    Variable_2 = 702,836.00

    Group No = 34 the group number is counting the items and not the group...



    What do you think is the Problem?


    Thanks A lot for the help.. It is greatly appreciated


    Best regards,




  2.     Hi Rajesh,


    Thank you so much for responding. And thank you so much for the help..

    Anyway this is the variable I made...  

    <variable name="NetProceed1" class="java.lang.Long" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Loan Date" calculation="Sum">

    <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{Net Proceed}]]></variableExpression>
    <variable name="Variable_1" class="java.lang.Long" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Loan Date" calculation="Sum">
    <variable name="GroupNo" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Loan Date" calculation="Count">
    <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{Loan Date}]]></variableExpression>
    <variable name="Variable_2" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Loan Date" calculation="Sum">
    <group name="Loan Date">
    <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{Loan Date}]]></groupExpression>
    <queryString language="SQL">
  3. Hi thank you so much for the answer.


    But it didn't work for me i added 3 variable the Group No, TotalAdd , and the Variable 1. I followed your steps but then the answer came out to be the whole total of the sum of principal and it didn't starts with zero.


    What Do you think the problem is?


    Thanks for the help, Any help is greatly appreciated.



  4. Hi everyone;

    I've posted this question a week ago yet still unsolve. So i'm trying to post again hope to get more answers. 

    My Problem is about how to set the variable first Group Total Column equals to 0. 0 should be fix it should be display as the first Group Total and the second Group Total will just be 0 + the sum of the 1st principal of the items.  


    Items                Principal

    a.                               10

    b.                                 2

    Sub Total                   0

    c.                                 4

    d.                                6

    Sub Total                 12

    e.                                15

    Sub Total                  22

    Please Help! ! !

    Thank you for the help in advance




  5. Hi,

    I'm New here. So I still don't know much. I have to do Running balance by group that starts with zero. So that first group footer should start with zero and second will be 0+total of first  and the 3rd would be 0+total of First+total of second  and then so on and so. Please please Help me





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