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Posts posted by adan.ribeiro

  1. I am using PHPJasperXML with iReport.

    The follow line means that my report will be viewed in my monitor like a PDF file. 

    $PHPJasperXML->outpage('I');  [/code]

    Well, I would like to know if it could be opened in the same way, but in a new tab, using PHP code. JQuery statements are a possibility, but I would like to avoid them as much as I can.


  2. Well, I solved my own issue using MySQL statement instead of properties from iReport. My solution was an adaptation from this site (Pt-BR): 



    Then I just replaced the value in the sentence by field "valor_aquisicao" like this:


    SELECT CONCAT('R$ ',REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(FORMAT(valor_aquisicao, 2), '.', '|'), ',', '.'), '|', ',')) AS 'Valor' FROM [...rest of statement...]


    It suited very well and fixed my problem. as you can see in this image below.



  3. I supposed you are in a local station traying to connect yout database, aren't you?

    If so, certify your server is online.
    Paste your code here and, if you can, paste your form's code too. Usually this kind of problem tendency to relate to sintax errors.


  4. Hi!
    I am using iReport Designer 5.5.1 with PHPJasperXML.

    I developed a simple report with four columns where one of them shows up some values in Brazilian currency, but it didn't work. The report only prints the number without any aditional symbol. Well, I've tried to format this one with the following code:

    <textField pattern="¤ #,##0.00">    <reportElement x="98" y="0" width="76" height="20" uuid="fc59b1a9-2fb7-4557-9e3c-9a54c79dd8b0"/>    <textElement textAlignment="Right"/>    <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{Valor}]]></textFieldExpression>   </textField>[/code]

    MySQL has this field set as FLOAT (10,2), so do I checked for the same value in properties panel and I figured out that EXPRESSION CLASS property was set as "java.lang.string". I've changed this one to "java.lang.float" but nothing happened. 

    I really appreciate any help with it. Thanks!

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