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Posts posted by NikunjB

  1. Hi elizam,

    Thanks for your reply.

    i got your point about assigning mapping between users to specific group and you say that i need to create a simple user that had ROLE_AMEA.and then after that user is created on the jasperserver it needs to tell superuser to set permissions for that user. that is fine but i want to create all the user initially without creating user by login it.


    i want to do in following scenario:

    suppose there is one user say NIKUNJ which has by default role ROLE_USER. then whenever he login to the jasperserver it should have access permission to reports initially. and that is possible if i use some mechanism that import NIKUNJ user to ROLE_USER role initially and jasperadmin assign some permissions to user before NIKUNJ is login.


    is it possible?

  2. I want to give permissions on the reports to the users when they first login. and that users are from different departments and locations.currently on my jasperserver there are some reports that are belonging to the peoples of different locations and departments. so how to avoid other users to gain access to non-authorized reports. if i have all the users on jasperserver initially then i can arrange them in different groups. so when they login first time they get the access of relevent reports.
  3. Hi Hugo Mendoza,


    Thanks for your reply.

    But i already read that JasperReportsServer-Auth-Cookbook and from that i have done my LDAP Authentication with jasperserver. and it is working fine but i want syncronization of active directory with jasperserver automatically means when i configure some of xml file all the users from AD should be created on the jasperserver. is it possible? currently when user is logged on the jasperserver it creates that user as externally defined user but i want all the user at a time on jasperserver without initial login.

  4. Hi coombsj ..!

    ya i have done successfully connection with ssas cube but when running olap view it gives me same error.


    Please give solution if you are done.

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