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Posts posted by jonathan_10

  1. Hello, 

    I have made a report in jasper studio using the detail band and the summary band and I am getting a ton of whitespace between the charts in summary band and the text in the detail band.

    I sized both bands to content so I'm not sure why its printing so much whitespace. I think all settings are still at default.

    attached are screen shots of how in looks in designer and in preview mode.

    Please advise how to fix this.



  2. Hi, 

    I am trying to use Maps pro in jasper studio and I don't see anywhere to place the longitude and latutude fields. Am I supposed to use map properties dataset "entities" ? I'm not sure where to put the two fields.

    Is there any tutorial for how to use this? Nothing on the OLP. Should I be using regular Maps intstead?





  3. Hello,

    I have a time series plot in jasperstudio and the data field is type double. My y axis value is a sum over these values and I want my output to only have two decimal places.

    I have tried all kinds of different data types and Math.round() caused an error after I published to Jasper server.

    Here is the source code: I want $F{lowprice} to only show 2 decimal places after the sum.  thanks!



    <dataAxis axis="Rows">

    <axisLevel name="Level1">

    <labelExpression><![CDATA["Level Label expression"]]></labelExpression>

    <axisLevelBucket class="java.sql.Date">





    <dataAxis axis="Columns"/>

    <multiAxisMeasure name="Measure1" class="java.lang.Double" calculation="Sum">

    <labelExpression><![CDATA["Total Value"]]></labelExpression>




  4. Hello, 

    I have created a very simple report in jasper studio and connected to my data source with a query. I have column headers and details section containing the data from query output. 

    When I preview the report in studio everything looks fine, data is all there. 

    After I publish to jasper server and I click on the report the "details" section with all of the data is blank.

    What am I doing wrong?




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